working title

[ˈwə:kɪŋ ˈtaɪtl][ˈwɜ:kɪŋ ˈtaitl]


  • CONCLUSION : Young managers ' qualities of lives are influenced by age working lifetime professional title salary and education .

    结论:青年管理人员的生活质量受到年龄、 工作年限、 职称、收入和受教育程度的影响。

  • His working title for the script was ' Trust the People ' .

    他给这个剧本 暂定 标题是《相信人民》。

  • By working with ordinary life and property insurance comparison protruding real estate title insurance in the insurance subject matter scope period insurance premiums insurance etc. particularity .

    通过与普通人寿险和财产险的比较,凸出房地产 产权保险在保险标的、范围、期间、保险费、保险责任等方面的特殊性。

  • Especially how to working a good title out .

    尤其是怎么做出一个好的 片头

  • No significant difference ( P > 0.05 ) of score was found in different age group different working year group different educational level different job title group respectively .

    不同年龄、 工龄、学历和 职称的护士掌握疼痛知识无差异性(P>005);

  • Newly wed actor Kwon Sang-woo was caught walking down the aisle once again ― this time with actress Lee Bo-young in the upcoming movie'A Sad Story ' ( working title ) .

    新婚的演员权相佑又一次走进礼堂&这一次是与女演员 李宝英在即将上映的电影《比悲伤更悲伤的故事》(暂名)。

  • Investigation and analysis of nurses ' psychological stressor in working in different professional title

    不同 职称护士 工作精神压力来源的调查与分析

  • Objective To investigate and analyze the psychological stressors in working of nurses in different professional title and explore effective countermeasures to improve the level of nursing management and ensure nurses ' physical and psychological heath .

    目的调查并分析不同 职称护士 工作精神压力的来源,寻找有效应对方式提高护理管理水平,保障临床护士身心健康。

  • Pick a working title Start a blog ( this is a great founder blog ) Look into the legal structure Pick a mantra over a business plan .

    挑选一个 工作 主题创建一个博客(这里有一个不错的例子)调研相关的法律规制为你的商业计划挑选一个宗旨。

  • If I were working for the record company I would have real headache as every song is so good it would extremely difficult to decide which one should be the title song .

    如果笔者是 唱片公司的要员,一定非常头痛,因每首歌都份量十足,实在不知应该选那首歌曲作为 主打

  • Submit working title summary and references for your topic .

    递交自选题材的 题目、摘要和引文。

  • For example an object class named organizationalPerson contains all the attributes that define a person working in an organization ( for example title common name postal address and so on ) .

    例如,名为organizationalPerson的对象类所包含的属性定义了在组织内 工作的人员(例如, 职称、常用名、邮寄地址等等)。

  • Analysed the different preferences for the eight factors the order is : work itself working environment interpersonal relationships job title assessment leadership management economic rewards job performance and training for promotion .

    影响南京高校教师工作积极性八大因素的满意度得分从高到低依次是:工作本身、 工作环境、人际关系、 职称评定、领导管理、经济报酬、工作绩效和培训晋升。

  • She appealed to working title the film production company to depict what the Nehru family has insisted was a Platonic love affair with taste and not to depict it as a sexual relationship .

    萨哈伽尔女士向电影制作公司 working title发出呼吁,要求将这种关系描绘成尼赫鲁家族一直坚持认为的、有品位的柏拉图式爱情,而不要描绘成一种性关系。