


  • There 's a19-hole world-class fairway which any aspiring Woods and Palmers out there can find a great challenge .

    有一个19洞的 世界 航道,任何有抱负的伍兹和帕尔默斯可以找到有一个巨大的挑战。

  • This has fostered new world-class companies that are now expanding abroad to serve larger and richer markets .

    这培养出了新的 世界 企业,它们如今正向海外扩张,以求服务于更大更富裕的市场。

  • Makes the world-class digital television brand is Haier 's pursue and the goal !

    打造 世界 数字电视品牌是海尔的追求和目标!

  • Our company has a great passion to provide world-class services to clients .

    我们公司拥有巨大的激情为客户提供 世界 一流的服务。

  • Many have developed genuine world-class expertise in international financial services such as Bermuda Luxembourg and Guernsey .

    其中许多地区培养了国际金融服务领域的真正 世界 专业技能,例如百慕大、卢森堡和根西岛。

  • Both India and Brazil are developing a world-class software industry .

    印度和巴西都在开发着 世界 顶级的软件行业。

  • We lost some world-class players and other players came in .

    我们失去了一些 世界 的球员,也有些人加入。

  • He was a world-class player so you have to compensate in other ways .

    他是 世界 球员,所以你必须在其他方面有所补偿。

  • His poor performance in the Olympics had many people wondering if his career as a world-class sprinter was finished .

    他在奥运会中的差劲表现使得许多人怀疑他作为一名 世界 短跑运动员的生涯是否结束了。

  • The world-class professional consulting and training solutions provider .

    世界 一流的专业咨询和培训解决方案提供商。

  • We now have a full set imported CAD system automated cutting systems and other world-class production facilities .

    我们现在有一个全套进口的CAD系统,自动裁剪系统和其他 世界 一流的生产设施。

  • The city has unrealistic pretensions to world-class status

    这个城市不切实际地标榜自己为 国际都市。

  • How many world-class music bands have you found by20 ?

    你20岁的时候建立了多少个 世界 的乐队?

  • He was determined to become a world-class player .

    他决心成为 世界 选手。