worst case

[wɚst kes][wə:st keis]


  • This month Taiwan uncovered the worst case of alleged Chinese military espionage in 50 years .

    本月,台湾破获了一起据称是50年来 严重的大陆军事间谍

  • India and its capital New Delhi has the world 's worst case of grass-is-greener syndrome .

    印度和它的首都新德里的绿化效果是世界上最 的。

  • Documents show regulators and managers in Japan treated worst case events as outliers & not real risks .

    文件显示,日本的监管部门和经理人们将“ 情景”视为“离群值”&即“非真实风险”。

  • Was this the worst case scenario ?

    这是 情况吗?

  • The worst case of this was the terrible accidental NATO bombardment of the Chinese Embassy in Belgrade in 1999 .

    糟糕的一 事情是,1999年位于贝尔格莱德市的中国大使馆遭到北大西洋公约组织轰炸。

  • When working with Hadoop accessing data in different data centers is the worst case scenario .

    使用Hadoop时,访问位于不同数据中心内的数据是最 糟糕 情况

  • So as a consequence we 're going to stick with the worst case analysis .

    因此,我们要坚持,对 情况进行分析。

  • In a worst case it now risks coming unstuck .


  • Using one of these collectors allows you to predict the worst case for completing a specific task .

    使用这类收集器,您可以预测完成特定任务的 情形

  • Well in the worst case we 're enumerating every possibility of in and out .

    ,在最 例子中得列举,所有可能的输入和输出。

  • This paper introduced worst case analysis and monte carlo analysis with software of EWB .

    举例说明用EWB进行 情况分析和蒙托卡诺分析的具体方法和步骤。

  • Although this was the worst case I personally came across it was by no means unique .

    这是我亲眼见到的 例子,但这决不是绝无仅有的。

  • In the worst case there may be fears that something outright fraudulent is being done .

    在最 情况 ,人们可能担心,这是彻头彻尾的欺骗。

  • N & O So we introduced this notation big O which generally refers to worst case .

    的平方。,So,,N,squared。,这里我们介绍一个符号,它泛指 情况

  • This is probably the worst case scenario .

    这可能是最 情形场景。

  • The worst case scenario w_1243 is that there is some big disaster which he mishandles .

    糟糕 情形是发生某种重大的灾难,而他没能妥善处理。

  • How is it that you always come up with the worst case scenario ?

    你怎么总是提到 情况

  • But in the worst case scenario it will be there .

    但在最 假设情况 ,它会在那里。

  • In the worst case Greece defaults without a banking panic or a breakdown of the single currency .


  • Worst case is they 're not alone in there .


  • The second one is a lot of the time the worst case is the one that happens .

    第二点就是,在很多情况 ,发生的往往就是 情况

  • In the worst case this can result in cluster outages .

    对于最 情况,这将导致集群宕机。

  • Not bad for a worst case scenario .

    这并不是一个 的结局吧。

  • For worst case scenario Difference between the data rate between write and read should be maximum .


  • Listen to me in the worst case scenario we would win the public support .

    听我说,预期 诉讼结果,我们仍将赢得公众的支持。

  • In the worst case it might just take a long time if the JSON text is too large .

    糟糕 情况可能是这样的过程会需要一段比较长的时间,如果JSON文本太大的话。

  • Namely I am not just interested in the average checkout time but also in the worst case in a given scenario .

    也就是,我并不仅仅对平均付款时间感兴趣,而且还对给定方案中最 糟糕 情况感兴趣。

  • Worst case I 'm not about to let him take down any of my men .


  • Worst case time decreases .

    延迟清理改善了GC的响应时间,即出现 情况的时间减少了。