


  • Epidemiological Features of Placenta Praevia and Its Temporization

    前置胎盘的流行病学特征及其 期待 疗法

  • There are two questions in this chapter : one is the problem of presence the second is the temporization and spacing of the Differance .

    第二章, 聚焦于《延异》本文,主要 围绕两个问题 展开:一是在场的问题,二是 异与 时间 -空间 的问题。

  • Temporization and Versatility : Ethnic Attitude and Ethnic Policy by Gao Gong


  • That the patients with placenta praevia were treated by temporization and elongated their pregnancy periods which reduced the incidence of low birth weight children .

    通过 期待 疗法尽量延长孕龄,降低了低出生体重儿的发生率。