tax code

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  • However gridlock in Washington has made it very difficult to overhaul the tax code .

    然而,华盛顿出现的僵局使得其很难彻底修订 税法

  • Millionaires enjoy tax rates below 20 per cent because the tax code is littered with complex distortions .

    百万富翁享受低于20%的 所得税率,是因为美国 税法中充斥着复杂的扭曲之处。

  • In Europe there is now a mechanism to prevent the most harmful abuses of the tax code said Matthew Gardner the executive director of the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy .

    税收与经济政策研究所(InstituteonTaxationandEconomicPolicy)执行理事 马修·加德纳(MatthewGardner)说,欧洲现在存在一种机制,来防止危害性最强的规避 税法的行为。

  • American tax code pushed by the Dems give tax benefits to companies which ship jobs overseas .

    美国的 免税 代码,对将工作机会转向海外的企业给予税收优惠。

  • The team paid a long visit to the Internal Revenue Service and was given a two-volume bound copy of the United States tax code and a five-volume copy of I.R.S. regulations .

    该团队在美国国税局(InternalRevenueService)考察了很长一段时间,获赠了两卷一套的美国 税法和五卷一套的国税局规章。

  • America 's accounting rules like its tax code are creaking under bolted-on guidance .

    美国的会计准则,例如其 免税 代码,于紧锢的GAAP准则下孱弱多疾。

  • Again the government has taken some steps in the right direction : it is actively working to simplify the Byzantine tax code and many new sectors have been opened to foreign direct investment .

    不过政府已经朝正确的方向采取了一些举措,比如印度政府正在努力简化错综复杂的 税法,而且许多新的领域也已经对外国直接投资开放了。

  • He does not favor altering the federal tax code to boost government revenue .

    他不支持改变联邦 税法以增加政府的收入。

  • Chinese officials chose the American definition of income with its worldwide scope in issuing their tax code in 1993 .

    中国在1993年颁布自己的 税法时,选择了美国人对收入的定义,也认同了全球性的 课税范围。

  • Changes to the tax code will be an immediate focus of Mr. Obama 's second term .

    改革 税法将是奥巴马第二个任期开始将要马上展开的工作重点。

  • I would add two points here : first seek to reduce the extremes of the property cycle by taxing the rental value of land ; second remove incentives for leverage from the tax code .

    这里我会加上两点:第一,对土地的出租价值征税,以求降低房地产周期的极端性;第二,在 税法中消除对举债的激励。

  • The person fails to file a tax return required by the civil tax code .

    故意不实填报纳税申报表者.依据 税收民事 法律 规范应当填报纳税申报表而未填报者。

  • In fact the best thing we could do on taxes for all Americans is to simplify the individual tax code .

    实际上,在税收方面,我们能为所有美国人做的最好的事莫过于简化个人 individual tax code)。

  • Nobody familiar with the US tax code would confuse it with the design of a rational mind .

    熟悉美国 税法的人士谁也不会认为它是理性的设计。

  • The lunatic complexity of the US tax code is proof of legislative incompetence .

    美国 税法极其愚蠢的复杂性,证明了立法机关的无能。

  • Reducing our deficit . Reforming our tax code . Fixing our immigration system . Freeing ourselves from foreign oil .

    降低赤字,改革 税法,完善移民体系,摆脱对进口石油的依赖,我们还有更多的工作要完成。

  • Then the investor is hostage to changes in the Tax Code .

    随之而来的就是这些投资者成了 税法改革的人质。

  • This week it released a new report on the administrative burdens of the tax code .

    本周,世行发表了一份有关 税法之行政负担的新报告。

  • The monetary manipulations of the Federal Reserve a complex tax code the many oversight agencies and their mountains of regulations show that we are far removed from a free market economy .

    由美联储人为操纵的货币汇率和货币政策,复杂的 税法,太多的所谓“监管”机构和它们制定的无数条条框框,都表明我们离一个真正的自由市场经济还差十万八千里呢。

  • Italian fiscal code The tax code card in Italy is an alphanumeric code of16 characters .

    意大利财务代码Italy的 卡是一个包含16个字符的字母数字代码。

  • A simpler tax code would be conducive to both enterprise and social justice .

    简化 税法将有利于企业和社会公平。

  • I want to see permanency in the U.S. w_609 tax code .

    对于美国的问题,我想要看到永久性的 赋税方案。

  • A framework for reforming the tax code could also be part of that plan .

    改革美国 税法的框架也可能被纳入上述计划。

  • But there is no reason why our tax code should actively reward them for creating jobs overseas .

    但却没有道理让我们的 税法积极鼓励他们在海外创造就业吧。

  • Our tax code discourages work and entrepreneurship saving and investment and distorts the allocation of capital .

    美国的 税收 规则挫败了人们在工作与创业、储蓄与投资方面的积极性,并扭曲了资本分配。

  • Second overhaul the corporate tax code to change the provisions that discourage some US companies from expanding domestically .

    其次,重修企业 税制,修改那些导致一些美国企业不愿在国内扩张业务的条款。

  • Senator Rand Paul a Kentucky Republican said Apple was dealing with an awful tax code .

    参议员兰德•保罗,一位肯塔基州共和党议员表示,苹果在处理一项可怕的 税法

  • Such reforms would greatly simplify the Federal tax code and increase investment and economic growth .

    这些改革将极大的简化联邦 税收 章程,并且增加投资和促进经济发展。