taste center

[test ˈsɛntɚ][teist ˈsentə]


  • This paper shows the histological research of peripheral taste nerves and the primary center ( facial lobe ) for the outer taste system in the southern catfish ( Silurus meridionalis Chen ) .

    应用组织学切片和光镜观察的方法,对南方鲇、革胡子 的延脑面叶和迷走叶及其相关结构的组织构筑进行比较研究。

  • You can suck it chew it or dissolve it in water the way you like to have it and still feel the taste of a real cup of tea said the center 's director Mridul Hazarika .

    “你可以吮吸它、咀嚼它,也可以按你喜欢的方式把它化在水里。不管怎样,你都能感受到跟一杯真正的茶相同的 滋味,”该 中心主任姆里达尔·哈扎里卡说。

  • Crisp spiky leaves with somewhat bitter taste . The dead center being a stationary bearing point must be lubricated .

    脆的长而尖的叶子,有点 苦味。由于是固定的支承点,死 顶尖必须润滑。