tax rebate

[tæks ˈriˌbet][tæks ˈri:ˌbeɪt]

[法] 税收回扣,出口税回扣

  • On the Efficiency of China 's Adjustment on Export Tax Rebate Policy Responding to the Global Financial Crisis

    金融危机的冲击与我国出口 退税政策调整的效率

  • When the export tax rebate they can change the export invoice according to declarations on the change in line on the list .

    出口 退税时出口发票自己可以更改的,按照报关单上更改一致就行了。

  • The grasp of the export tax rebate policy is involved in the price mechanism .

    在价格机制方面,包括对出口 退税政策的把握问题。

  • In this paper the influence of the export tax rebate policy adjustment in2004 on the high-tech exports of ten eastern provinces of China was analyzed .

    本文就2004年出口 退税政策调整对东部十省市高新技术产品出口的影响进行了分析。

  • The main reason for falling prices and increasing the export tax rebate rate to provide enterprises with a price cut .

    价格下降的主要原因是出口 退税率提高等为企业提供了降价空间。

  • Export tax rebate rate on high-tech and high value-added products such as anti-AIDS drug is raised .

    二是提高抗艾滋病药物等高技术含量、高附加值商品的出口 退税率。

  • Export Tax Rebate and Export Growth in China : A Co-integration Analysis and Policy Effect Test Based on Time-series Data

    出口 退税与我国贸易出口增长&基于时间序列数据的协整分析和政策效应检验

  • However the adjustment of export tax rebate is found to have much side effects and inconsistent with the principle of equal competition .

    但是, 后来发现出口 退税的调整可能也有不少副作用,在某种程度上与平等竞争的原则不一致。

  • The evolution of export tax rebate system has made apparent influence on China 's import and export trade and even the whole economy .

    而出口 退税制度的演变过程对中国的贸易进出口乃至中国经济产生了较明显的影响。

  • Apart from increased income tax foreign companies will also be wiped from some other tax incentives including pre-tax reduction and tax rebate for re-investment .

    除企业所得税增加外,外资公司还将不再享受一些其他税收鼓励政策,包括税前减免和再投资 税款 折扣

  • The labor force abroad than we do of your overseas is not a tax rebate is a global energy prices there is no problem with people abroad why do we have any questions ?

    国外的劳动力比我们还贵,国外也是没有 退税,能源涨价是全球的,人家国外没有问题,我们为什么有问题?

  • The Influence of Export Tax Rebate Rate Adjustment on Export of Industries and Regions

    我国出口 退税率调整对行业和地区出口的影响

  • The tax rebate policy has a very important effect on optimizing the structure of export commodities optimizing the trade method and adjusting the favorable balance of trade .

    出口 退税政策的 实施,对优化出口商品结构、优化贸易方式和缓解 巨额贸易顺差起到了十分重要的作用。

  • Similarly faced with the threat of WTO action China has backed down from using tax rebate and tariff policies to boost localization of its semiconductor and auto sectors respectively .

    类似地,面对世界贸易组织行为的威胁,中国放弃通过运用 退税和关税政策来提高其半导体业和汽车业各自的定位。

  • But hurry though as this tax rebate won 't last forever .

    但是赶紧 退税,尽管这不会持续很久的。

  • An Empirical Research of the Impact of Export Tax Rebate Policy Adjustment on China 's Economy

    出口 退税政策调整对我国经济影响的实证研究

  • The government reversed its earlier decision and scrapped the plans to provide the MPF top-up instead opting for both a tax rebate and a HK $ 6 payment to all residents .

    政府最后撤消了先前的决定,取消了向强积金账户注资的计划,转而选择了 退税和向所有居民都派发6000港元现金的措施。

  • Policy of Export Tax Rebate and China Export Structure Optimization

    出口 退税政策与我国出口商品结构优化 &基于 不同技术 程度 行业的研究

  • Ping An actually recorded a pre-tax loss of nearly RMB 3bn in 2008 but changes to Chinese tax laws and a large tax rebate allowed it to post a small profit .

    2008年,平安实际上出现了近30亿元人民币的税前亏损,但中国税法改革和大额 退税使其得以实现微利。

  • An Investigation on the Impact of the Adjustment of Export Tax Rebate Policy on Economy of Jinan City

    出口 退税政策调整对济南经济的影响

  • As for the market right now widespread purchase of a tax rebate only on high-income people attractive .

    至于市场目前普遍购买 退税只是对高收入人士的吸引。

  • China said it would scrap a tax rebate on agricultural commodities exports to clamp down on foreign sales .

    中国表示,将取消农业大宗商品的 出口 退税,以减少粮食出口。

  • China will implement the new export tax rebate system as of January 1st 2004 .

    从2004年1月1日起,我国将实施出口 退税新方案。

  • The Design and Implementation of Export Tax Rebate Analysis and Early Warning System

    出口 退税分析预警系统的设计与实现

  • Tax evasion ; defrauding of the export tax rebate and other severely violations and illegalities .

    有偷税、骗取出口 退税及其它重大违规、违法行为。

  • Firstly a descriptive analysis about the effects of the export tax rebate policy adjustment was given .

    首先,从出口 退税 政策 实施 前后的情况对 出口 退税政策调整的效果进行了描述性分析。

  • Authorities recently raised the export tax rebate for textiles and clothing companies and increased the annual loan quota for banks .

    最近有关部门上调了纺织和服装企业的出口 退税 ,并增加了银行的年度信贷额度。

  • Influence of Change of Tax Rebate Policy on Employment of Different Ownership : Takeing Manufacture Industry as an Example

    出口 退税政策变动对不同所有制企业就业的影响&以制造业为例