Knowing all the details helps frame the situation allows for the best decision-making to occur and makes you look like a mature and informed colleague rather than an opportunistic tattletale .
知道所有细节有助于了解总体情况,可以做出最好的决策,也能使你看起来像个成熟和明智的员工,而不是投机取巧、 搬弄是非 的 人。
No pa I 'm no tattletale like suellen she assured her father .
“不会的,爸,我不会像苏 纶 那样 专 做 耳报神。”她说 这话,是要 使父亲好放心。
Well I do not want to be a tattletale . Besides Peter gave me half of his chocolate candy bar this morning .
嗯&,我可不想当个 爱 打小 报告 的 人。除此之外,彼得今天早上还送给我半条巧克力呢!
Pa you know I 'm no tattletale like Suellen but it does seem to me
老爸,你知我 不会像苏安琳 那样 爱 说 是 非,但是并不 意味 着我