tax returns

n.纳税申报单( tax return的名词复数 )捐税收入

  • I have a tax accountant who helps me with my annual tax returns .

    我有个税务会计,他帮我处理年度 纳税 申报

  • The manager also keeps records of income and outlays and works with the owner 's accountant in preparing annual financial statements and tax returns .

    物业经理也要保留收益和费用的记录,和在准备年度财政陈述和 退税时和业主的会计协同工作。

  • Why are we required to complete property tax returns and why do you charge property tax ?

    为何仍须要填写物业 报税 ?并请告诉我们为何会向我们徵收物业税?

  • We found his tax returns in your room .

    我们在你的屋子里找到了他的 税务 报表

  • He failed to file tax returns for 1982

    他没有呈报1982年的 纳税 申报

  • This last year I was looking at my own tax returns how much did I give .

    去年,我在查看我的 捐税 收入,看看我捐了多少钱。

  • Of accounts and tax returns ; with the intent to verify .

    检查帐目和 捐税 收入;起到核实的目的。

  • The sole proprietor 's business and personal income tax returns can be combined and business losses are easily deducted from personal income .

    投资人的营业和个人所得 申报 可以合并,而且营业损失可以从个人收入中扣除。

  • Fraudulent income tax returns He had given Pritchard a false name .

    虚假的所得 申报书他向普里查德报了假名。

  • The IRS audits questionable income tax returns .

    美国国内税务局审计可疑的所得 报告

  • Mum handles the tax returns while Dad fixes the car .

    妈妈负责处理 纳税 申报 ,爸爸修理汽车。

  • They have departments which will prepare tax returns for sole traders and partnerships .

    他们有几个部门专为独资和合伙商号编制 纳税 申报

  • Fifthly export credits and full value tax returns are to be implemented for the cotton spinning machines export .

    棉纺细纱机出口实行出口信贷和全额 退税

  • Owner ( partners ) reports profit or loss on his or her personal tax returns .

    所有者(伙伴)的利润或损失的报告,他或她的个人 报税

  • You can check my tax returns .

    你可以检查我的 退税

  • I muddled up the customs declarations with the tax returns .

    我把报关单和 税单弄混了。

  • Filing income tax returns obtaining refunds .

    填写所得 申报书和取得退款。

  • It is from these records that your accountant will develop your financial statements and tax returns .

    会计师就是从这些记录中编制你的财务报表和 纳税 申报

  • A list of previous tax returns and financial information for Mozilla is available on the Mozilla Foundation Documents page .

    Mozilla基金会文档页同时公布了一个之前 税务列表及 Mozilla财经信息。

  • The CFO in a large corporation would ultimately be responsible for payroll and income stated on tax returns so even if other people do this work the CFO has to check its accuracy .

    大型集团的CFO基本上会对员工的工资发配和 申报 所得 责任,所以即使有其他人负责做这些事,CFO也得确认资料的准确性。

  • Business Registration Office Inland Revenue Department w_689 The IRS audits questionable income tax returns .

    商业登记署〔税务局〕美国国内税务局审计可疑的所得 报告

  • The other proposal of the bill is to allow taxpayers to file tax returns by telephone .

    条例草案的另一建议,是容许纳税人透过电话提交 报税

  • The CPA is also frequently retained to prepare the federal and state income tax returns .

    注册会计师也经常受聘编制联邦和州政府的所得 申报

  • You can file your tax returns online .

    你们可以在网上进行 纳税 申报

  • This information is necessary so the employees can file their income tax returns and the employer can pay the appropriate payroll taxes .

    这些资料是必需的,这样,雇员们可以提交所得 申报 ,雇主则可以正确支付薪工税。

  • Can we file our tax returns online ?

    我们可以在网上进行 纳税 申报吗?

  • Owners report their share of corporate profit or loss on their personal tax returns .

    车主报告其个人 报税 他们对公司利润或亏损。

  • He was convicted of filing false income tax returns

    他因为在 纳税 申报 上作假而被定罪。