tax collector

[tæks kəˈlɛktɚ][tæks kəˈlektə]


  • The taxidermist takes only your skin . What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector ?

    不同的是标本剥制员剥去的只是你的皮。标本剥制员与 征税员有何不同呢?

  • The tax collector has been charged with extorting money from several shopkeepers .


  • He 's an unsullied tax collector .

    他是一位一身清白的 税务

  • He earned his living as a tax collector .

    他以 收税

  • But it was the tax collector whom God accepted ( v.14 ) .

    然而,耶稣却说,最终是那 税吏蒙神接纳(14节)。

  • The tax collector will share your pain .

    收税 会与你共同承担痛苦。

  • So we can assume that Matthew was reaping a vast fortune as a tax collector .

    所以我们可以假设,身为 税吏的马太,必定大有斩获;

  • Dear brother Ali this is an extra bonus from the tax collector .

    亲爱的阿里兄弟,这是来自 税务 征收 的额外分红。

  • The electric workers said the power company should not be used as a tax collector with customers threatened with a power cutoff if they don 't pay the tax .

    电力公司员工说,电力公司不应该被当作 收税 机构。用户被威胁如果他们不缴纳财产税,他们家中的电力就会被切断。

  • Have mercy on me – The tax collector pleads on the mercy of God for forgiveness .

    开恩可怜我-这个 税吏恳求神赦免的恩惠。

  • Besides sheriff I 'm also tax collector .

    我除了是治安官外还是 收税

  • What doesn 't the tax collector claim ?

    这个 税吏没有 提到什么?

  • One night when the thieves had gone out to rob a tax collector the boy led the best mule out of the stable loaded it with gold pieces and fled .

    一天晚上,贼人们出去偷一个 税官 ,小伙子从马厩里挑了最好的骡子,驮了一袋金币溜走了。

  • They love the tax collector as the devil loves holy water .

    他们对那个 收税人恨之入骨。

  • He blamed careless mistakes . As Treasury secretary he is the nation 's chief tax collector .

    作为财政部部长,他是国家 税务 征集 领头人

  • The most visible functions of government are those of regulator tax collector and provider .

    政府最重要的职能是管理、 征税、供给。

  • What did Jesus know about the tax collector ?

    耶稣对于这个 税吏有什么样的认识?

  • Comes from the forest clear looks like the tax collector and the natural harmonious coexistence the person and the nature accord development .

    晶晶来自森林,象征 与自然的和谐共存,人与自然和谐发展。

  • A commissioned unit shall collect taxes lawfully in the name of the taxation authority pursuant to the conditions stipulated in the certificate of a commissioned tax collector .

    受托单位按照代 证书的要求,以 税务机关的名义依法征收税款。

  • What would be more surprising to a Jew Jesus'acceptance of a tax collector or of babies ? Why ?

    哪个让犹太人更吃惊,耶稣对 税吏的接纳,还是对小孩子的接纳?为什么?

  • Have you noticed in the synoptic Gospels the characters sometimes are just a tax collector a sinner a Pharisee a Syrophoenician woman a Centurion who had a slave ?

    你注意过没有,在符类福音中,人物有时就是一个收 税官,一个罪人,一个法利赛人,一个希利尼妇人,一个有奴隶的罗马百人队长?

  • How did God exalt the tax collector ?

    神怎样升高这个 税吏

  • There is no business of any executor or tax collector in the future .

    将来的一切都用不着遗嘱执行人和 收人过问了。

  • The man replied No sir I 'm just a tax collector .

    男子答道:“不,先生,我只是个 税收 官罢了。”

  • If he refuses to listen to them tell it to the church ; and if he refuses to listen even to the church treat him as you would a pagan or a tax collector .

    若是不听他们,就告诉教会。若是不听教会,就看他像外邦人和 税吏一样。

  • Her tone was flat as a tax collector 's.

    她的语调象 收税员一样的平直。