tax credits

n.课税扣除( tax credit的名词复数 )[经] 税款抵免,税款减除

  • The president said the federal government has already reformed the student loan system and increased tax credits for families struggling to pay college education costs .

    总统说联邦政府已经改革了学生贷款制度,增加了对支付学费困难家庭的 税收 减免

  • We provided tax credits to gas stations for installing E85 fuel pumps .

    我们为安装了E85节能汽油泵的加油站争取到了 税收 抵免

  • The president said it also offers tax credits to companies that hire long-term unemployed workers and cuts payroll taxes in half for every working American and every small business .

    奥巴马总统说,这项计划还将为雇用长期失业者的公司提供 税收 优惠,并将雇员和小企业的工资税减半。

  • He proposes tax credits for buying homes and vehicles that save energy and pollute less .

    他建议应该对购买节能环保房屋和汽车的人进行 税收 抵免

  • One side touts the benefits of clean energy calling for government support – federal subsidies tax credits and stringent air quality and fuel economy regulations – for renewable sources .

    一方鼓吹清洁能源的好处,为可再生能源呼吁政府支持&联邦补贴、 税收 抵免和严格的空气质量标准以及对燃料经济性的监管。

  • The act contains hope scholarship tax credits lifetime learning tax credit education savings plans loans interest deduction and so on .

    《1997年 纳税人 救助法》主要包括了“希望奖学金” 课税 扣除、“终身学习”课税扣除、教育储蓄计划、贷学金利息扣除等内容;

  • Businesses would get tax credits in return .

    作为回报,商业企业可以获得 税金 免除

  • The bill also includes one-year extension of tax credits of ethanol industry policy .

    该法案也包括将乙醇行业的 税收 政策延期一年。

  • US multinational corporations are allowed tax credits for taxes paid to foreign governments .

    美国允许跨国企业把 税额 累积交付给外国政府。

  • So does the addition of temporary tax credits for employers who add jobs now .

    在新计划中为招聘新员工的企业提供临时 税收 抵免,也是如此。

  • In the world of modern tax system international tax on tax credits and tax sparing is a very worthy of study .

    在世界现代税收制度中,在国际税收方面,关于 税收 抵免和税收饶让是一个很值得研究的问题。

  • Using foreign tax credits is one method many companies use to lower the tax rate reported on income statements even if overall cash taxes paid remain unchanged .

    利用海外 税收 抵免,是许多公司降低损益表报告的税率(尽管缴纳的总现金税额保持不变)所使用的一种方法。

  • Paris has so far spent 50 per cent of its stimulus package mostly in accelerated tax credits to businesses but also in tax breaks for small companies taking on new employees .

    迄今为止,法国政府已花掉了50%的刺激方案款项,主要用于加快企业 税收 抵免,也包括对雇佣新员工的小企业减税。

  • The proposals are said to range from doubling down on child care tax credits to elder care .

    据说,奥巴马的提案从降低儿童保育 税收 抵免到照料老年人。

  • Unlike most tax credits the EITC is refundable .

    和大多数 税收 抵免不同,eitc是可退回的。

  • The president proposed to provide tax credits to businesses that allow workers time off .

    总统提议对那些给员工放假的企业实行 免税 优惠

  • If you can 't afford it you get tax credits to help defray some of those costs .

    如果难以支付,你的 所得 可以 享受一些 优惠,来补偿这笔费用。

  • The proceeds would be spent partly on making the tax credits in the fiscal stimulus strongly tilted towards low - income households permanent .

    这些收入部分将用于使财政刺激方案中的 税收 减免永久化,这些 税收 减免措施向低收入家庭大幅倾斜。

  • My preference would be for the proceeds to be split between investments in infrastructure and pro-work tax credits .

    我倾向于将这些收入平分,用于基础设施投资和促进就业的 税收 减免

  • Over 10 years of increasing taxes on the rich more to fund tax credits for the poor the Institute for Fiscal Studies estimates the former chancellor stung the richest 10th of the population by only 5 per cent of their net incomes .

    伦敦财政研究所(InstituteforFiscalStudies)估计,实施了10多年对富人加税和给穷人提供 税负 减免 政策,这位前财长仅让国民中10%最富裕的人净收入减少了5%。

  • Tax credits on domestic capital equipment B.

    菲律宾本土的资产设备 享受 税收 抵免

  • But the banks will also have to subtract items such as goodwill some tax credits and minority investments from equity and retained earnings .

    但银行还必须从股本和留存收益中扣除商誉、部分 税收 抵免和少数股权投资等项目。

  • Senator Bill Bradley outlined his own tax cut giving families $ 350 in tax credits per child

    比尔·布拉德利参议员概述了自己的减税计划,提出每个孩子可为家庭 减免350美元的 课税

  • Nonetheless the government has energetically raised family benefits and tax credits .

    然而,败府已大力提高了家庭补助和 抵免 税额

  • Investment tax credits ( ITCs ) are deducted from the firm 's tax bill when particular physical capital assets are purchased .

    当公司购入特定的实物资本资产时,可在其应纳税额中扣除投资 税收 抵免(ITCs)。

  • The government has been offering tax credits accelerated depreciation and other economic hanky-panky .

    政府一直在搞 税额 抵免、加速折旧及其他一些经济上的花招。