


  • Xia Shang and Zhou Dynasties Tarzan Central Plains had been known but it is only the East region of a mountain .

    夏、商、周三代, 泰山就已被中原王朝所熟知,但还只是东方地区的一座大山。

  • Young tarzan : I 'll be the best ape ever !

    年轻的 泰山:我将会是最棒的人猿!

  • What did Kerchak ask Tarzan to do before he died ?

    克察克临终前嘱咐 泰山做什么?

  • Though I have heard about Tarzan watched cartoon movie but I have never read the full story before .

    尽管我以前曾经听说过 泰山,看过卡通片,但之前从未读过完整的故事。

  • Crocodiles are all over him but he rolls over like Tarzan he 's all over the place fighting and dodging .

    他四周全是鳄鱼,但是他 反应 迅速得像 泰山一样,他一边躲避一边战斗。

  • He runs like tarzan 's monkey .

    他跑起来好像 特尔赞的猴子。

  • What we 're gonna do is have a Tarzan swing into the river .

    我们会拍个 泰山 跳入河。

  • Check-in is still hakka can get value enjoy enjoy Tarzan 's cultural verve .

    入住尚客家,可得到超值的享受, 明白泰山的文化的神韵。

  • Manufacture and erection technologies of tarzan ′ s treehouse steelwork project of Hongkong Disneyland

    香港迪士尼乐园 泰山树屋钢结构工程制作安装技术

  • It 's like spinning Tarzan jujitsu !

    就像人猿 泰山的柔术!

  • Tantor : That sounded like Tarzan . It sounded like he was in trouble .

    丹托:那听起来像是 泰山。好像他遇到麻烦了。

  • The lowest branch was just within my grasp so up I went-the Tarzan of the Apes of Van Nostrand Avenue .

    那时,我刚好能够到大树最低的枝杈,于是我就向上爬呀爬呀&成了生活在凡诺兰德大道的“人猿 泰山”。

  • Why doesn 't Tarzan have a beard ?

    为什么人猿 泰山 形象总是没有胡子的?

  • Burroughs : american writer best known for creating the character Tarzan in his novel Tarzan of the apes ( 1914 ) .

    伯勒斯:美国作家,以其在小说《人猿泰山》(1914年)中塑造的人物 泰山而闻名。

  • The work includes the National Games emblem mascot of Tarzan Boy lotus willow and other elements reflects the National Games held in his hometown in Shandong features .

    该作品中包含了全运会会徽、吉祥物“ 泰山童子”、荷花、柳叶等元素,体现了全运会在家乡山东举办的特色。

  • He 's a body-builder and weight-lifter . Have you seen him in a swimsuit ? He looks like Tarzan .

    他是位健美运动员和举重运动员。你见过他穿着游泳衣吗?他看上去像 人猿 泰山

  • Tarzan : I 'll make him see it . I 'll be the best ape ever .


  • Since then Disney company produced many cartoons such as Snow White and the SevenDwarfs The Lion King and Tarzan .

    从那时起,迪斯尼公司生产了很多卡通片,象《白雪公主和七个小矮人》《狮子王 泰山 等。

  • It is reported that the film originally planned July 1 2016 release but DreamWorks hit blowing dreams giant and Warners Tarzan .

    据报道,这部电影原定于2016年7月1日上映,但是和梦工厂的《吹梦巨人》和华纳的《 泰山》撞期。

  • You wanna go see Tarzan man ?

    想不想去看 人猿 泰山

  • At this point I fear some of you may be thinking about that old Tarzan nickname .

    这时,恐怕你们有些人可能会想到往昔的 泰山昵称。

  • It reminded me of the Tarzan movies I saw at the local cinema .

    它让我想起在本地电影院里看到的 人猿 泰山 系列电影。

  • How did Tarzan feel when he saw Clayton and Jane ?

    看到克莱顿和简的时候, 泰山是什么感觉?

  • Hanbyul have you seen the Tarzan man who was on before ?

    韩星,看过《 人猿 泰山 没有?