


v.扯碎,撕碎( tatter的过去式和过去分词)

  • She wore tattered clothes looking like a beggar .

    她穿着 破烂的衣服,样子很像乞丐。

  • He fled wearing only a sarong and a tattered shirt .

    他逃走时只穿着莎笼和 破旧的衬衫。

  • He persists in wearing his tattered overcoat .

    他坚持要穿他 破烂的大衣。

  • The pair of dilapidated sandals were beside her chair . worn away or tattered along the edges .

    破旧的凉鞋在椅子旁边。边缘部位破旧的或 破烂的。

  • Worn away or tattered along the edges .

    边缘 部位破旧的或 破烂的。 衣装 穿着 破旧的或 破碎的。

  • Has a medium-length blue cape with tattered edges fastened at her neck with a red ribbon .

    身披中长碎边蓝色 披风,并以红色丝带系于颈部。

  • I see said Hesper as she nipped a tattered rose with her thumb and forefinger .

    我明白了, 海茨帕说,她用拇指和食指摘下一朵凋谢的玫瑰。

  • Wisps of straw protrude from the creature 's sleeves and the collar of its tattered shirt .

    一束束稻草从这种生物 破烂衬衫的袖子和领子上伸出来。

  • Her tattered clothes in no way detracted from her beauty .


  • He was much thinner and his tattered trousers were as filthy as could be .

    身上瘦了许多, 裤已经脏得不能再脏。

  • This morning his tattered old black bag was by his feet and my grandfather was obviously shaken .

    我立刻感到出了事。那天早晨,他脚边放着他 破旧的黑包,外公的 身子 发抖。

  • A frayed or tattered condition .

    磨损磨破或 破烂的状态。

  • A tattered lace handkerchief twitched in her fingers .

    她的指间绕着一块 破烂的花边手帕。

  • He started to pull on his tattered shorts .

    他开始 匆匆穿上他 破旧的短裤。

  • There isn 't much left-just a tattered pointy hat and a Mage 's Staff .

    这里没有剩下什么&只有一个 破烂的尖帽子和一个法师手杖。

  • He stooped a little and with his tattered blue cap pointed under the carriage .

    他略微躬了躬身子,用他 蓝色的破帽指了指车下。

  • With the cigarette came a tattered note and without thinking he fished all his money out .

    随着烟卷,他带出一张 毛票 来。有意无意的他把钱全掏了出来;

  • My canvas bag had torn cottonfield pants and the tattered remnants of my huarache shoes in it .

    我的帆布包里还有两条破烂的裤子,和 破旧的革条帮平底凉鞋。

  • His hair is matted his clothes are tattered and mysteriously he is often covered in white chalk .

    他的头发乱缠在一起, 衣衫褴褛,而很奇怪的是,他身上还常有白粉笔道。

  • When he thinks of the tattered soldier he recalls his cowardice .

    想起那个 褴褛兵,他立即联想到自己的懦弱。

  • Her clothes were tattered and her face was lined and full of woe .


  • But two-and-a-half years later things haven 't quite gone to plan and Stanley 's dreams of fame and fortune lie tattered and torn .

    但是,两年半之后,事情并未 如愿发展,斯坦利追求名利的梦想完全破灭了。

  • Tattered shirts and pants that were a boy 's size .


  • He went to the tattered screen door and knocked .

    他走上前去敲了敲那扇 破败的房门。

  • I do not like ruined tattered cottages .

    我不喜爱坍塌、 破烂的别墅。

  • He saw a man in a tattered tunic and a ragged beard .

    他看见一个 身穿 破旧短上衣、长着蓬乱胡子的男子。

  • My copy is tattered and stained and I am enjoying working my way through all the recipes .

    我的副本是 破烂和染色,我很享受工作,通过所有的食谱我的方式。

  • It was rare she said rifling through a patient 's tattered record .

    这是少有的,她说,通过病人的 破烂的纪录膛线。

  • David was a small boy with messy brown hair and tattered clothes .

    戴维是一个头发蓬乱、 衣衫褴褛的男孩。

  • Their tattered clothing and broken furniture indicated their poverty .

    他们 褴褛的衣服和破烂的家具显出他们的贫穷。