


  • 1 ~ h NMR studies of solvent effect on keto-enol tautomeric equilibrium of β - dicarbonyl compounds

    ~HNMR法研究β-二羰基化合物的酮&烯醇 互变 异构体系的溶剂效应

  • As one of the simplest and the most fundamental phenomena in the tautomeric equilibria and oxidation-reduction reactions the intra - or intermolecular proton transfers ( PTs ) play an important role in many chemical and biochemical processes .

    作为 异构平衡和氧化还原反应中最简单和最基本的现象之一,分子内或分子间质子转移(PT)在很多化学和生物化学过程中起着重要的作用。

  • The entropy effect on the Gibbs free energy of 7-thioguanine base is very small and there is little significance for the tautomeric equilibria of the base .

    7硫代鸟嘌呤互变 异构的熵效应小,对 互变 异构平衡没有显著的影响,而焓变对互变 异构产生了主要的影响。

  • A new tautomeric laser dye Kiton red has been synthesized .

    本文合成一种具有 互变 异构 性能的新型激光染料奇通红。

  • Theoretical Calculations of the Tautomeric Equilibrium in 3 X 2 ( 1H ) Pyridones

    3-X-2(1H)-吡啶酮 互变 异构体系的理论计算

  • The results demonstrate that the platinum adducts influence moderately on tautomeric equilibrium but do not change the relative stability of tautomers whether in gas phase or in aqueous solution .

    结果表明:顺铂的 引起了 互变平衡的变化,但是各互变异构体之间的相对稳定性顺序并没有改变。

  • A study on luminescence of tautomeric laser dye Kiton red

    互变 异构激光染料奇通红发光特性研究

  • The results of the studies indicate that the tautomeric equilibrium between the enol imine and keto enamine exists in the compounds .

    结果表明,合成的化合物具有醇亚胺和酮胺 变异 体结构, 原子是五配位的,存在着分子间酚羟基( 酮羰基)氧 原子 原子的配

  • The calculations demonstrate that the oxazolidinones are the predominant species in both the gas phase and solvents ; there exist tautomeric equilibrium among these species and the equilibriums are controlled by the employed solvents in the reaction .

    计算结果表明无论在气相还是溶液中恶唑烷酮都是优势的物种,而且这些物种间的 异构平衡受控于所用的溶液。

  • Keto-enol or thione-thiol tautomeric equilibria of pyridinol derivatives have attracted great experimental and theoretical interests due to their significant importance to chemistry and biochemistry .

    由于吡啶衍生物在化学和生物化学中的显著重要性,它们的醇(硫醇)-酮( 硫酮互变 异构平衡已经吸引了许多实验学家和理论学家的广泛关注。

  • Presumably these are caused by the existence of tautomeric forms .

    这可能是由于这些 化合物存在 变异 所致

  • Mini-energy Path Study of the Tautomeric Reactions of the Tautomers of Cytosine

    极小能量途径研究胞嘧啶 异构体间异构化反应

  • The tautomeric energies of DHP ( HMP ) - ethanol clusters is close to that of the isolated solute molecule . It indicates that the solvent molecule have not changed the tautomeric equilibrium .

    HMP(DHP)乙醇分子 复合 互变 异构能和孤立溶质分子的 互变 异构能结果很接近,表明溶剂分子参与反应并没有改变互变异构平衡。

  • Due to the fact that three compounds have different tautomeric process and different ability of hydrogen bond formation it could be expected that they have different ability for the polymer stabilization .

    由于这些化合物有不同的 变异 过程以及不同的氢键形成能力,因此,它们对高聚物有着不同的稳定化能力。

  • Study on spectral and lasing characteristics of a new tautomeric laser dye Kiton red

    激光染料奇 通红的光谱和激光性能

  • Stereochemistry of tautomerism ⅰ . studies on tautomeric equilibrium of alkyl malonic esters

    互变异构的立体化学Ⅰ.烃基丙二酸酯的 互变 异构平衡的研究

  • It is concluded that a keto-enol tautomeric equilibrium of the amine radical anion existed in the solution which is believed to be the first example of keto-enol tauto-merism concerning a stable free radical .

    结果表明该自由基负离子在溶液中以酮-烯醇互变异构体存在,这可能是在稳定自由基中发现存在酮-烯醇 互变 异构平衡的首例。

  • The tautomeric equilibrium between the azo type and the hydrazone type of these compounds in different solvents and different acidity has also been studied .

    对它们在不同溶剂。不同酸碱度溶液中的偶氮式及腙式间 互变 异构平衡进行了研究。

  • Automatic Identification of Tautomeric Alternating and Aromatic Bonds in Chemical Structures

    化学结构中 互变 、交替键和芳香键的自动识别

  • Analysis reveals that it is the acceptance process of the last proton to determine the impossibility of proton transfer and result in the failure of tautomeric processes .

    可以由此确定质子转移的不可能性和导致 异构过程失败的因素。

  • The effect of tautomeric isomeride on magnetic interaction was discussed by molecular mechanics and CNDO / 2 methods .

    本文 兼用分子力学和量子化学计算讨论了互 变异 对磁交换作用的影响。