task object

[tæsk ˈɑbdʒɪkt][tɑ:sk ˈɔbdʒikt]

[计] 任务目标

  • Through mapping parallel class to PVM task request object message to request PVM task message the mechanism implements object distributed parallelism of the parallel class .

    通过把并行类映射为PVM 任务,请求 对象消息映射为请求PVM任务消息来实现并行类对象的分布并行。

  • Task object oriented software design in surgery robotic system

    医疗外科机器人中面向 任务 对象的程序设计

  • The main task of object tracking is to detect moving object accurate from each image frame and position those object in the subsequent frames . Then we could get full trajectory of moving object .

    运动 目标跟踪的主要 过程是:在各帧图像中准确的检测出运动目标,然后在后续的图像序列中进行目标定位,从而得到特定运动目标的完整运动轨迹。

  • The primary translation task is to understand the object of the translation and which expression method is used and then how to apply the translation techniques into words sentences idioms and poems .

    阐述了翻译的首要 任务是,要理解翻译的 对象,并采用那种表达方式,进而把这种翻译技巧如何应用于词、句子、习语、诗歌当中。

  • Not shown is the implicitly created Task object that is used to wrap the integer being returned by the Read method .

    此处没有展示隐式创建 Task 对象,该 对象用于包装从Read方法中返回的整型值。

  • Create the model-shown in the figure below-that contains only one task having a business object BO1 as input and output .

    创建一个模型(如图2所示),该模型只包含一个 任务,该 任务拥有一个业务 对象BO1作为输入和输出。

  • Video object segmentation is an important task in object based video coding .

    在基于 对象的视频编码中,视频对象的分割是重要的 任务

  • It is also tool for teachers ' teaching which is decided with teachers ' work task and object .

    对于教师来讲也是教学、教育的工具,这是由教师的工作性质、 任务对象决定的。

  • Second it expatiates all-sided the character status function task area and object of the theory ;

    其次,本文全面论述了新时期统一战线思想的性质、地位、作用、 任务、范围和 对象等一系列问题;

  • First Network-Learning support System moves the mobile agent which Packages the learning task to the object support System and this native interaction between request and server avoids engross of network bandwidth and quickens interaction procession .

    首先,基于移动代理技术的网络学习服务支持系统,把封装了学习 任务的移动代理迁移到 目标支持服务系统执行,这种请求与服务的本地交互消除了网络带宽的占用,加快了交互过程。

  • The Task Object and Method of Data Mining

    数据挖掘的 任务对象和方法

  • But general design of VI only considers the specific test task and functions which results in developed VI with poor interchangeability and flexibility . When test task or test object changes the VI has almost zero reusability .

    然而目前虚拟仪器的开发设计仅针对特定的测试任务和测试功能,所设计的测试软件通用性、可互换性差,如果被测 对象或测试 任务发生改变,则软件的可重用性就几乎为零。

  • The platform takes every security detection task as the core object and manages its flow by the detection object analysis engine detection scheme generation engine detection tool selection engine and comprehensive decision analysis engine .

    此平台以每个安全检验 任务为处理的核心 对象,通过检验对象分析引擎、检验方案生成引擎、检验工具选择引擎以及综合判定分析引擎对每个 任务的流程进行管理。

  • On the background of globalization this paper is concerning about some basic questions of the task means object and procedure of foreign-concerned economic management system .

    在全球化背景下,探讨完善涉外经济管制的 任务、路径、 目标、环节等方面的基本问题。

  • As far as China 's concerned relationship between China and America is the most important task thus I choose this task as object of study .

    对于中国而言,与美国的关系非常重要,所以我选择了中美关系作为阐述这一 命题 对象

  • Although the computer vision provides rich approaches to the task of scene recognition and the task of object detection and recognition these methods rarely take the real-time performance into account .

    计算机视觉提供了丰富的场景识别和 物体检测识别技术。然而这些方法大多忽略了增强现实对算法的实时性要求。

  • Carl Rodgers 's person-centered therapy approach is provided with the characteristics of the security in the therapy effect the principal part in the task object the demonstration in the helping process and the simplicity in the training .

    罗杰斯的人本治疗模式具有治疗效果的安全性、 工作 对象的主体性、辅导过程的实证性以及培训学习的简易性等特色。

  • After analyzing traditional image difference subtraction algorithm based on the theory of mathematical morphology Top-Hat operation algorithm is chosen to remove image noise and perform the task of object detection based on gray morphology theory .

    在分析传统的差影减法实现 目标检测算法的的基础上,基于灰度数学形态学原理,采用Top-Hat运算去除图像噪声并完成纸病图像的可疑 目标的快速检测。

  • Sharing of chart and character task was implemented with usable object to create interface of plotting program .

    通过可应用 对象完成图文 作业共享,生成要图标绘程序界面。

  • The main task of storage subsystem in object oriented database system ( OODBS ) is not only to deal with volatile objects but also to manage and store plenty of shared and permanent objects that 's why OODBS is complicated and different from other system .

    面向 对象数据库系统(OODBS)中存储子系统的主要 任务是管理和存储大量的共享、持久对象,而不仅仅是处理挥发性对象,这也是OODBS区别于其它系统或者说其复杂性所在。

  • View of Development on Path Planning for Robot Base on Task and Object

    基于 任务 对象的移动机器人路径规划技术现状与展望

  • The framework is easy to use for most benchmarking needs : just package the target code into some type of task object ( either a Callable or Runnable ) and then make a single call to the Benchmark class .

    这个框架很容易满足大多数基准测试需求:只要把目标代码打包成特定类型的 任务 对象(Callable或Runnable),然后调用Benchmark类。

  • Realization of agricultural modernization is a long-term central task and the object of struggle in the working of our country agricultural and rural economics .

    实现农业现代化是我国农业和农村经济工作中长期的中心 任务与奋斗 目标,全面实施小城镇发展、乡镇企业二次创业和农业产业化经营三大战略是现阶段农业现代化建设的主要任务。

  • Systematic evaluation in the process of teaching may examine the extent to which the task and object is realized and obtain timely feedback and adjustment .

    对教学过程的系统评定可以根据教学 任务完成的程度,及时获得反馈而进行教学调整。

  • Methods The radial arm maze task and the object recognition test were used .

    方法采用八 方向放射状迷路及新 物体辨别实验方法。

  • This thesis reports a study on senior middle school students ' overall attitude toward and their use of communication strategies the relationship between the two as well as the use of CS in a task of describing an object .

    本文研究高中学生对交际策略所持的态度和使用情况,两者之间的关系,以及 物体描述时使用交际 策略的情况。

  • Just look at the task force as an object lesson .

    看看 舰队这个实例吧。

  • The task object version is either unsupported or invalid .

    任务 对象版本不受支持或无效。