




  • RB : I have a tattoo on my right arm .

    我的右臂上有个 刺青

  • Jason Terry can keep the tattoo .

    这下,杰森•特里可以保留他的 纹身了。

  • She 's got a tattoo on her ass.

    她屁股上有一个 纹身

  • Your mom has a tattoo .

    你的妈妈有一个 纹身

  • In the old days they would paint and tattoo their bodies for ceremonies

    过去,他们举行各种仪式前会在 进行彩绘、 文身

  • We found part of a tattoo on his shoulder .

    我们在他肩膀上发现了 模糊 纹身

  • If you want a tattoo get one .

    如果你想要 纹身,你去好了。

  • He passes to the player with a big tiger tattoo .

    他把球传给了一个有老虎 纹身的队员。

  • If you have tattoos then short sleeves are essential wear because the tattoo becomes the sleeve .

    如果你有纹身,那么短袖就成了重要的衣服,因为 纹身变成了袖子。

  • He has one tattoo on his wrist of his initials c.f in script .

    他的手腕上有一个名字的缩写“c.f”字样的 纹身

  • He had the words ' Angie loves Ian ' tattooed on his left shin .

    他在左小腿上文了“安吉爱伊恩” 几个字。

  • And you drew that tattoo from memory .

    曾经凭借记忆画出了那些 纹身

  • You have a tattoo or is this a rub-on transfer ?

    你有个 纹身。还是这是一次性的?

  • You would like to make a tattoo but you are not sure it will suit you ?

    你想 纹身,但你不能确定它适不适合你?

  • A military tattoo has nothing to do with a tattoo on your skin !

    军事 纹身和你身上的 纹身没有任何关系!

  • You on my heart just like a tattoo .

    你就像 在我心 纹身

  • Tom : Right he can be a true tattoo lover .

    对啊,他可谓是一个地道的 文身爱好者。

  • But this is not a medical tattoo .

    但这并不是什么医学 纹身

  • You got a tattoo again ? No kidding !

    你说我又 了一个 文身,真的吗?

  • His tattoo told you that .

    他的 纹身告诉你这些东西。

  • I should have known when I saw the tattoo .

    我看到 纹身时就应该想到了。

  • This girls says you got a tattoo .

    这个女孩说你有 刺青

  • And when you told me about your tattoo .

    当你告诉我关于 纹身 故事时;

  • All I said was that I liked the tattoo .

    我只是说我很喜欢 纹身

  • A tattoo ! That 's great now we 're making progress .


  • The sailor had a tattoo saying I love anne on his chest .

    这水手胸前有个“我爱安妮”的 纹身

  • If you are looking for dragonfly tattoo design this is the right place .

    如果你正在寻找蜻蜓 纹身设计,这是正确的。

  • Which member of Adama 's crew is known to have a tiger tattoo ?

    阿达玛的船员中谁有一个老虎的 文身

  • My tattoo is two letters .

    我的 刺青是2个字母。