



  • Well what are you going to do about it ? Tattle to suellen ?

    “那么,你准备怎么样呢, 泄露给苏伦吗?”

  • Tattle on other employees .

    其他员工 闲话

  • Gonna tattle to the cdc ?

    要去疾病控制中心 报批吗?

  • Tattle telling is often what a kid perceives is wrong NOT what is actually an injustice .

    告状是把小孩认为不对的事(未必真是不公的 ), 汇报 上去

  • When they come to tattle I ask them if it 's a medical emergency .

    当他们来 告状时,我会问他们是否是「医疗紧急 状况?

  • When all the soldiers are girded for tattle we will march against the enemy .

    当全体士兵做好准备时,我们就向敌人 进军

  • Well go and tattle and see if I care replied scarlett .

    “好吧,看我 究竟喜欢 喜欢, 走着瞧。”思嘉回答道。