write down

[raɪt daʊn][rait daun]


  • It 's a bit like the exam syndrome where you write down everything you know regardless of what has been asked

    不论问题是什么就 所知道的统统 上,这有些像典型的考试心理。

  • Write down your goal and set a date that you want to accomplish that goal by .


  • Write down the sort of thing you would like to do given the opportunity


  • Write down the words or sentences you like .


  • After you 've read it please write down a few brief comments .


  • Write down the following information : name of product type date purchased and price


  • Only by writing things down could I bring some sort of order to the confusion .

    只有把东西记 下来,我才能从混乱中理出些头绪来。

  • Write down what you would like to tell me here .

    在这 你想对我说的。

  • Children write down the word cover it up and then try to spell it from memory .

    孩子们 这个词 下来蒙住,然后试着凭记忆拼出来。

  • Write down your responses to these questions .


  • Write down when you want to achieve it .

    当你想达到某个目标时就 下来

  • Please write down the things and the persons that we talked about last Friday .

    我们上周五谈到的那些人和物 下来

  • Find someone who will let you talk things through or failing that write down your thoughts .

    找个能让你把事情说清楚的人,如果不行的话,就把你所想的 下来

  • Armand I 'll simply write down what you say .

    阿曼德,我就简单 你所讲的就行了。

  • Write down titles authors and page numbers of each thing you read .


  • State when you logged on and remember to write down the time you log off .

    写明注册时间,并记住 你注销的时间。

  • On the morning before starting the fast write down your starting weight

    早晨开始禁食前, 你的体重。

  • Did you write down the telephone number of that restaurant ?


  • Write down all the information you have had to memorize for the exam in note form .


  • Write down ( in order of priority ) the qualities you 'd like to have

    (按照优先次序) 你想具有的品质。

  • No write down that I have the tickets .

    不, 我已经买了票。

  • By the time approaching midnight I thought what should I write down ?

    时间接近午夜时分,我想,我该 记录一些什么呢?

  • Write down the username and password you chose .


  • I will write down my priorities : thinking of my loved ones and my responsibilities .

    我将 我优先 做的事情:想念我亲爱的人和我的责任。

  • But I have no time to write down the main content of it .

    但是我没有时间把它的主要内容 下来

  • But as you start to write down your hopes for the new year your think about last year .

    然而,就在你提笔 新年新希望的同时,你想起了去年。

  • I watch 《 A Christmas Story 》 third tonight and write down the main idea of it .

    今晚,我看了三遍《一个圣诞节的故事》,并且 它的主要内容。

  • You should write down you mistake in you notebooks .

    你应该 错误 在笔记本上。

  • When you write down in figures the number one million how many noughts are there ?

    一百万 写成数字时,一共有几个0?

  • Write down the things you want to achieve this year or in your life .
