writ of search

[rɪt ʌv sɚtʃ][rɪt ɔv sə:tʃ]

[法] 搜查令

  • The police showed him the writ of search before enteringthe house .

    警察进屋前,给他出示了 搜查

  • So it is strictly controlled by judicial writ and we set up exclusion of illegal evidence rule in legal state in order to deprive the benefit obtaining by illegal search and protect the citizen 's rights .

    因此,法治国家对 搜查采取严格的 司法 令状 主义进行司法控制,并建立严格的证据排除规则体系,对警察非法 搜查所获得的利益予以剥夺,以保障公民合法权益不受侵害。

  • The doctrine of judicial writ is adopted in most of the legal state as a search itself may infringe and threaten personal rights property rights and privacy of citizens .

    法治国家大都 搜查严格的司法 令状主义,因 搜查对公民的人身权、财产权以及隐私权存在着侵犯的危险和威胁。

  • Writ of habeas corpus from the view of constitutionalism They have also generally established a system of habeas corpus and relevant rules concerning basic civil rights connected with arrest search detention etc.

    普遍确立了人身保护 制度以及对逮捕、 搜查、扣押等与公民基本权益有关的强制措施的司法审查与控制制度,对其具体规定和作法予以介绍。