tempt fate

[tɛmpt fet][tempt feit]


  • Do you really want to tempt fate by making this promise at a time when promises are easily broken ?

    你真的想要在这种 任何许诺都很容易被打破的阶段许下影响你 命运的誓言么?

  • I don 't want to tempt fate but none the less you are in good shape .

    我并不想 蔑视 命运但你依然状态良好。

  • And maybe you shouldn 't tempt fate .

    也许你不该 干涉 命运

  • And what bride would tempt fate by walking down the aisle without something borrowed something blue ?

    再说新娘,哪个敢 冒险在举行婚礼时不 戴得“有借有蓝”?

  • He can dictate the tempo of a game . He 's a clever player a good passer . I don 't want to tempt fate but he 's very similar to Xabi .

    他可以控制比赛的节奏,他是一个聪明的球员,一个非常厉害的传球手,我不 认为 命运 安排,但是他跟夏比非常相似。

  • Don 't tempt fate by saying we can win .


  • I knew there was one mean ram we had to avoid but we decided to tempt fate a big mistake .

    我知道羊群里有一只公羊, 脾性 暴躁,我们得躲着 点儿,但我们还是决定 一次 ,真是个错误的决定。

  • They have been for months but I want to tempt our fate .

    几个月前就已经卖完了,但我想 碰碰 运气

  • So please don 't tempt fate by submitting someone else 's work as your own ;

    因此,请不要 尝试 别人的作业当成自己的来交。