tax holiday

[tæks ˈhɑlɪˌde][tæks ˈhɔlədi]


  • The payroll tax holiday will cost about $ 120bn and should provide a reasonable boost to consumption because it is spread across the income range .

    薪资 减税 假期的成本将达到大约1200亿美元,但由于涵盖所有收入阶层,应当能适度地推动消费。

  • A particularly vivid example was in2004 when an aggressive corporate campaign prompted Congress to grant a one-off tax holiday for American companies to repatriate foreign earnings .

    一个显著的例子就是2004年,一间激进公司用说客拉票,促使美国国会落实一份一次性 免税 政策,返还美国公司海外盈利。

  • Much of that sits in overseas accounts as companies patiently hope for a day when Congress agrees to pass a tax holiday on foreign income .

    很多现金都待在海外账户中,因为这些公司都在耐心地等待,希望终有一天美国国会将批准 减免对海外收益的 征税

  • These companies were given tax holiday of two years in order to expand their exports .

    为了鼓励扩大出口,这些公司享有两年的 减税

  • That means Americans who thought they would pocket $ 110 billion this year in aggregate thanks to the payroll tax holiday are now down to $ 10 billion – which amounts to about $ 33 for each man woman and child .

    这意味着本以为由于工资 免税 ,今年将有1100亿美元进账的美国人,现在可能要将这笔收入预期调低至100亿美元&相当于每位男性、女性和孩子人均约33美元。

  • And other props to the recovery from a payroll tax holiday to a temporary extension of unemployment insurance are due to wind down .

    其他推动经济复苏的举措从暂停征收薪资 到暂时延长失业救济金期限也将接近尾声。

  • The new law if passed would also phase out tax holiday periods which many companies exploit .

    如果新的法令能够通过,那么也可以 争取把现阶段许多企业在使用的 免税期变成分阶段实施的 政策

  • Flexible use of tax holiday incentive .

    灵活运用 免税 优惠政策。

  • He proposed a five-year tax holiday for new hotels in the area .

    他提议,为新德里地区新建酒店提供为期5年的 免税

  • This low rate would facilitate the transition to a better permanent system and would not be part of a one-off tax holiday for repatriated corporate profits .

    低税率有利于实现向一种更完善的永久性税制的过渡,并且不会成为针对汇回海外利润的一次性 减税 的一部分。

  • Perhaps they could all be given a tax cut in the form of a voucher redeemable only for a package holiday by the Mediterranean ?

    或许可以在给德国人提供 税收优惠时,以代金券的形式发放,而且那些代金券只能在地中海边跟团 度假时才能使用。

  • One head of human resources at a US technology company was quoted as saying : We are gradually moving our headquarters northward but there is still a strong presence in Singapore as the company was given a tax holiday to locate its headquarters there .

    报告援引美国某科技公司人力资源负责人的话说:我们正逐渐将总部北移,但在新加坡仍然保有强大的实力,因为把总部设在新加坡的时候,公司获得了一段 免税

  • Multinationals prevailed on Congress to approve a one-year tax holiday once before as part of a jobs package in2004 .

    2004年跨国企业曾向美国国会进行 游说,希望国会批准为期一年的 税收 减免,以此作为促进就业的一揽子计划的一部分。

  • So how is today 's auto market doing after the tax holiday ?

    那么今天汽车销售的情况 怎么样呢?

  • The Secretary said that to attract more explorers to bid for acreages in India his ministry is seeking 10 years tax holiday for ultra deep water exploration according to a report by the Hindu .

    据印度英文日报TheHindu此前报道称,这位部长表示,为了吸引更多的勘探公司竞标印度油气勘探区块,他领导的印度石油天然气部正在为超深海勘探谋求十年 免税 优惠政策。

  • This would be roughly equivalent to the expiry of the payroll tax holiday last month whose impact will only be felt in this quarter .

    这大概相当于上个月工资 临时 减免到期带来的影响这个影响可能在这个季度才能感受到。

  • For years the north Indian state of Uttarakhand for example has had a tax holiday for manufacturers .

    多年以来,印度北部的省份Uttarakhand一直都有一个 免税 假期给生产企业。

  • Alternatively some of this amount could be used to fund a partial social security tax holiday for employers in order to maintain job creation .

    另外,其中一些资金可用来为雇主资助部分的社保 假期,以维持创造就业机会。

  • US multinational companies are clamouring for a tax holiday to repatriate billions of dollars trapped overseas but are being rebuffed by the Obama administration .

    美国跨国公司正大声疾呼要求获得 免税 ,以将“困陷”在海外的巨额美元资金调回国内,但这一要求被奥巴马政府拒绝。

  • A payroll tax holiday especially if linked to net job creation is a powerful employment-boosting measure .

    暂停征收薪资 ,如果再加上就业岗位出现净增长,就能成为推动就业的强有力举措。

  • Stage ⅲ . On the Effect of Tax Holiday Policy in High-Tech Industry in China toward Prompting Investment

    论我国高技术产业 免税 政策的投资激励效应