taper roller

[ˈtepɚ ˈrolɚ][ˈteɪpə ˈrəulə]

[机] 锥形滚子,推拔滚子

  • Causes to Damage of the Taper Roller Bearing in Gear Box on the Axle Type WBA

    WBA型车轴齿轮箱 圆锥 滚子轴承损坏的原因

  • ANALYSIS OF THE DISTRIBUTION THE PRESSURE OF COMBINED CYLINDRICAL ROLLER / TAPER ROLLER BEARINGS OF 2050 ? mm ROLLING MILL USED IN BAOGANG BY 3D-BEM AND RESEARCHING THE TEST Discussion is also given to its application in the experimental study of dynamic characteristics of taper roller bearings .

    宝钢 2050mm轧机组合轴承载荷特性的边界元法解析及试验研究作为例子,文中给出了计算机模拟实验例子和滚动轴承支承动态参数识别的应用实例。

  • Control of Speed With Frequency Conversion for Crowned Taper Roller Superfinisher

    圆锥 滚子凸度超精研机的变频调速控制

  • Tolerance design of vibrator with planetary taper roller structure

    行星 结构振动器的公差设计

  • The standard design processes for the accessories of taper roller bearing are presented based on the known parameters .

    之后,在已知的 外形参数和内部结构参数的基础上,分别介绍了 圆锥 滚子轴承的内圈、 外圈、滚子和保持 的所以参数的设计计算过程。

  • Pre-tightening Device for Taper Roller Bearing of Construction Drill

    工程钻机 圆锥 滚子轴承的预紧装置

  • Discussing the Standard of P.R.C.GB/T449.7-1998 the Taper Roller Bearings Drawing Method

    对GB/T449.7-1998 圆锥 滚子轴承规定画法的探讨

  • Taper roller bearing race a very important load-bearing component has significant affection on the property of the bearing .

    圆锥 滚子轴承的套圈是重要的承载部件,对轴承的性能有着重要的影响。

  • Synthes-ised Constrained Dual Descent Method for the optimization of taper roller bearing is described .

    并对综合约束函数双下降法在 圆锥 滚子轴承优化设计数学模型中的应用进行了介绍。

  • Measures of Decreasing the Spoiled Rate in Grinding the Outer Ring of Taper Roller Bearing

    降低 圆锥 滚子轴承外圈磨削废品率的措施

  • Our products include deep groove ball bearing angular contact ball bearing taper roller bearing and needle bearing ;

    本公司生产深沟球轴承、角接触轴承、 圆锥 滚子轴承、滚针轴承;

  • In chapter 5 the demand of taper roller bearing CAD system is realized and the design goal is introduced .

    第五章为 圆锥 滚子轴承优化设计CAD系统的实现。

  • The factory is producing all kinds of Taper Roller Bearings DAC Wheel bearings and Hub Assembly with ABS sensor from1st to4th generation .

    专业生产各类单列 圆锥双列角接触汽车轴承,以及第一、二、三、四代轮毂轴承单元(带ABS传感器)。

  • This article calculates the additional radial pressure produced due to the reduction of the bearing center distance analyzes forces acted on the bearings under this condition and brings forward a group of equations for the selection of taper roller bearings for marine helical gears .

    文章对纵向布置斜齿圆柱齿轮轴轴承间距缩减产生的附加径向力进行了计算,对该附加径向力作用下的轴承受力情况进行分析,并提出船用斜齿轮 圆锥 滚子轴承选用公式。

  • Strength Calculation on Ribs in Taper Roller Bearings

    圆锥 滚子轴承挡边强度计算

  • Measuring Instrument for Taper of Cone Roller The construction of taper roller bearing is introduced .

    首先,简述了 圆锥 滚子轴承的结构,给出了标准设计中的装配图和零件图;

  • Design of superfinish leading roll for producing taper roller

    圆锥 滚子超精导辊加工工艺设计

  • Technology Design and Experiment of Cold Ring Rolling with Twin Taper Roller Bearing Race

    圆锥 滚子轴承套圈成对冷辗扩工艺设计和试验

  • In this dissertation the key technologies of taper roller bearing optimized CAD system are researched including of parametric and optimized theory .

    本文综合研究了 圆锥 滚子轴承优化设计CAD系统开发中的关键技术,包括参数化技术和优化设计理论。

  • In this dissertation the intelligent optimization algorithms are used to realize the optimal design of taper roller bearing for there are some defects of optimal design of taper roller bearing realized by the traditional optimization algorithms .

    本论文针对传统优化算法实现圆锥滚子轴承优化设计存在的不足,尝试用智能优化算法实现 圆锥 滚子轴承优化设计。

  • Rigidity Calculation of Axial Position Preload Taper Roller Bearings

    圆锥 滚子轴承轴向定位预紧刚度计算

  • The causes to the damage of the taper roller bearing in the axle gear boxes on air conditioned passenger cars type 24 are analyzed . Seven improvement measures are put forward .

    分析了24型空调客车车轴齿轮箱 圆锥 滚子轴承损坏的原因,提出了七项改进措施。

  • The preselection machine of gaskets is used for selecting the adjusted gaskets in assembling the initiative taper gear axis of the automobile 's driving axle . The thickness of the adjusted gasket has a great effect on the distribution of the axial force of the taper roller axletree .

    主齿垫片预选机主要用于汽车驱动桥主动锥齿轮总成装配时选择调整垫片,调整垫片厚度对 圆锥 滚子轴承的轴向力分配有很大影响。

  • Sealed taper roller bearings .

    密封 滚子轴承。

  • Improvement on design of taper roller thrust bearing structure and its finite element analysis

    圆锥 滚子推力轴承结构改进设计及有限元分析

  • Selection of Taper Roller Bearings for Marine Helical Gears

    船用斜齿轮 圆锥 滚子轴承的选用

  • This technology can be used for producing taper roller bearings .

    采用本工艺可以生产 圆锥 滚子轴承外圈。

  • Comment on Roller-shape Design Mathematic Model of Taper Roller Rolling Tube Mill of ITAM Corporation

    评ITAM公司的 锥形 轧管机辊型设计数学模型

  • In chapter 2 the model of the optimal design of taper roller bearing and the traditional algorithms how to realize the optimal design of taper roller bearing are introduced .

    第二章给出了 圆锥 滚子轴承优化设计的数学模型,阐述了传统优化算法,选择综合约束函数双下降法实现圆锥滚子优化设计,并对其存在的不足进行了分析。