


v.毁坏[毁灭]某物( wreck的现在分词 )使(船舶)失事,使遇难,使下沉

  • When I got home late after wrecking my father 's new car there was the very devil to pay .

    当我 了我父亲的新汽车而很晚才回家时,那可真是 了大霉。

  • North Korea 's retrograde moves are wrecking its economy and propagating discontent among the masses .

    朝鲜的 倒退 行径 经济 遭受 严重 打击,不满情绪在公众间蔓延。

  • Combined they are an unholy alliance capable of wrecking global trade negotiations .

    这两类人合起来,形成了一个能够 毁掉全球贸易谈判的邪恶联盟。

  • Walter the astronaut guy is wrecking dad 's couch .

    沃尔特,那个宇航员在 毁掉爸爸的沙发。

  • Many think that the EPA is a left-wing wrecking operation and Mr Obama 's hitherto willingness to approve its edicts characteristic of his job-killing attachment to unnecessary regulation .

    许多人认为环保局是在进行一次左翼 破坏性的活动,而奥巴马先生迄今为止的愿望是批准其法令,而这一不必要规定的法令是以减少工作机会的附件为特点的。

  • My lovely village slated for the Chinese wrecking ball : workers with a hammer and crowbar .

    我可爱的乡村,晾着打鱼的 球,工人用铁锤和铁锹工作&可能翻译有误。

  • The film went from saving it from the wrecking ball to becoming a tourism icon .

    这部电影救了它,把它从一 破旧 楼房变成了旅游胜地。

  • As I began to walk up the driveway to my soon to be new home I heard a loud crash as the wrecking ball struck my old house again and a small smile broke across my face .

    当我开始沿着车道往前走,走向未来的新房所在地时,我听到一声巨响,那个大 铁球再一次砸向我的老房子。一丝微笑掠过了我的脸庞。

  • The boiler blew up wrecking the whole house .

    锅炉爆炸, 炸毁了整座房子。

  • As the race went on it seemed that Hull 's personal problems were wrecking his chances and that Hynes had nothing particularly special to offer to voters .

    随着竞选的进行,看来似乎赫尔的个人问题 毁坏了他的机会,而海恩斯没有什么特别的东西提供给选民们。

  • But Mars is a formidable foe with a track record of wrecking pioneering space missions .

    但是火星是一个难以战胜的敌人,以前 已经多次探测火星任务失败的记录。

  • Big Red : What are you doing ? You 're wrecking everything I built !

    大红:你在做什么?你 破坏了所有我建设的!

  • The wrecking of the world trade talks was senseless and short-sighted


  • Critics of the president accuse him of wrecking the economy through the seizure of thousands of white-owned commercial farms .

    穆加贝总统的批评者指责他通过没收数以千计的白人拥有的商业农场致使经济受到严重 损害

  • A wrecking car of local traffic police arrived later tried to pull out the truck through steel wire rope .

    交警部门的 救援车停在货车后面,两辆车由两条钢丝绳连在一起。

  • Hey cal I 'm sorry about wrecking you today .

    嘿,卡,对不起,今天 了。

  • You 're wrecking my botany experiment !

    你在 破坏我的植物学实验!

  • You 're not wrecking his life !

    你不是 送命吧!

  • Let go you 're wrecking my flight pattern .

    放手,你 了我的飞行模式。

  • Fighting raged in Old Gagra wrecking the city 's storied resorts .

    激烈的战斗在旧加格拉进行, 破坏了这座城市传奇的度假名胜。

  • Never this ! That this could happen to us all this wrecking of old ways this bloody slaughter and hate !

    我从来也没有想到过生活会是这样:降临在我们所有人身上的一切, 旧日 生活的分崩离析,血腥的杀戮,还有仇恨。

  • You are not only wrecking your own communities you are potentially wrecking your own life too .

    你们所 破坏的也不仅仅是自己的社区,你们也是在破坏自己的生活。

  • Father was mad at me for wrecking the car .

    父亲因我 毁坏汽车而对我愤怒。

  • The teenager was drawn and quartered for wrecking the family 's only car . He will want to avoid both severe punishment and a ruined reputation .

    少年因 损坏了家中唯一的汽车而遭到 严厉的惩罚他不想接受严厉的惩罚,或是使自己的声誉遭到破坏。

  • Such attitudes were behind the wrecking of the Doha round of trade talks this week .

    这种态度就是 破坏本周多哈回合贸易谈判的 潜在原因。

  • The act or process of wrecking or destroying especially destruction by explosives .

    摧毁 破坏或摧毁的行为或过程,特别是指通过爆破进行的破坏活动。

  • A wrecking crew is demolishing the old building .

    拆除队正在拆除这 老建筑物。

  • I do not hear a biological clock ticking only the nerve wrecking ticks of bombs yet to explode .

    我听不见生物钟的 滴答作响,只听到即将爆炸的炸弹那令人神经崩溃的走秒声。

  • The can exploded wrecking the kitchen and bathroom and blowing out windows

    罐子爆炸了, 不但 炸毁了厨房和浴室,还把窗户炸飞了。