wrecking car


  • A wrecking car of local traffic police arrived later tried to pull out the truck through steel wire rope .

    交警部门的 救援 停在货车后面,两辆车由两条钢丝绳连在一起。

  • He teed off on his son for wrecking the car .

    希特勒受到 毁坏之欧洲的 责难

  • When I got home late after wrecking my father 's new car there was the very devil to pay .

    当我 了我父亲的新 汽车而很晚才回家时,那可真是 了大霉。

  • The teenager was drawn and quartered for wrecking the family 's only car . He will want to avoid both severe punishment and a ruined reputation .

    少年因 损坏了家中唯一的 汽车而遭到 严厉的惩罚他不想接受严厉的惩罚,或是使自己的声誉遭到破坏。

  • Diane Court : Am I wrecking my car ?

    戴安:我 这样弄坏 吗?

  • Father was mad at me for wrecking the car .

    父亲因我 毁坏 汽车而对我愤怒。

  • This article introduces the performance testing device on the railway wrecking car WYZ-8A active control valve board and explains the testing method of each performance test in details .

    介绍了铁路 救援机车 WYZ-8A型主控制阀板的性能测试装置,详细说明了各项性能测试的试验方法。

  • It is proved in practice that the development of this testing device is successful . It solves a key technical problem in fault elimination of railway wrecking car .

    经工程实践表明本实验装置的研制是成功的,解决了铁路 救援 机车故障排除中的一个关键技术问题。