


  • Through the wringer I was really put through the wringer at my job interview . I had to fill out papers meet dozens of peoples and do a presentation !

    在我的工作面试中,我被真正地 掠夺了。我不得不填满 考卷,见几十个人和做自我表现。

  • Then Martin began to alternate between the dryer and the wringer between times shaking out socks and stockings .

    然后他又开始在烘干机和 脱水 之间 抽空把短袜长袜“抖抖”。

  • I mean he really puts them through the wringer .

    我是说他真的在让他们经历 痛苦

  • A large cast-iron clothes wringer stood in a corner of the kichen .

    厨房的一个角落里竖着一台大型铸铁衣服 干机。

  • I could tell he had been through the wringer Binstock recalls .


  • Electric washer with automatic timer and wringer laborsaving devices like washing machines .

    配自动计时器及 拧器的电动洗衣机例如洗衣机等节省劳力的机器。

  • The mechanism of injury was fall in 23 sides traffic injury in 16 wringer injury in 14 fall from a height in 10 and other trauma in 3 . 60 cases were fresh fractures 6 old fractures and 7 open fractures .

    摔伤 22例23侧,交通伤16例, 机器 轧伤14例,坠落伤10例,其他伤3例。新鲜骨折60侧,陈旧性骨折6侧。

  • The spray-rinsing tank is located on production line on which the stainless steel working tank spray pipeline spray nozzles support rolls and wringer rolls etc. are mounted .

    喷淋槽在生产线中,装有不锈钢的工作槽、喷淋管道、喷嘴、支撑辊和 挤压辊等

  • Doggett 's put his Tit in the wringer .

    吉特使他自己 孤立了。

  • Every business I know has been through the wringer during the past two years .

    过去两年,我认识的每家企业都历尽了 磨难

  • Stock investors have been through the wringer over the past five months sweating through nasty market declines and savoring the recoveries that followed .

    在过去的五个月中,股票投资者们经历了令人 痛苦的市场 动荡,在股市下挫时胆战心惊,又在随后的股市 反弹 欣喜若狂

  • This kid 's been through the wringer .

    这小孩已经遭受 磨难了。