terminal organs


  • Organ transplantation offers hope to a variety of patients with terminal functioning organs and tissues . However rejection of transplants has proved to be a formidable challenge . Inducing tolerance to allografts is currently the holy grail of every transplantation immunologist .

    器官移植给各种 组织 器官 末期患者带来了希望,然而,移植排斥反应依然是目前所面临的一项艰巨挑战,诱导移植耐受是目前亟待解决的问题。

  • CONCLUSION There were some changes of PKC expression and activity in vestibular terminal organs of guinea pigs after chronic gentamicin toxicity and the antigen distributions of different PKC isoforms were different .

    结论庆大霉素慢性中毒后豚鼠 前庭感觉上皮PKCβ,γ亚型表达及PKC活性均发生变化,且不同亚型抗原分布不完全相同。