ternary complex

[ˈtɚnəri kəmˈplɛks][ˈtə:nəri ˈkɔmpleks]


  • The catalase reaction obeyed Ogura mechanism and the ternary complex decomposition rate constant was 6.00 × 103s-1 .

    该反应服从Ogura机理,其酶-底物 复合 的分解速度常数为6.00×103s-1。

  • A method of flow injection analysis ( FIA ) was introduced into the spectrophotometric system of Mo-SCN ~ & RhB ternary complex for the determination of trace Mo.

    本文将流动注射分析(FIA)引入 Mo-SCN~&RhB 缔合体系测定痕量Mo。

  • Synthesis and Fluorescent Property of Europium Ternary Complex - MMA Copolymer

    稀土铕 配合 -甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物的合成和荧光性能研究

  • In this paper the condition and composition of the ternary complex for determination of cadmium with Cd-methyl thymol blue-cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide have been put forward .

    本文研究了用镉-甲基百里香酚蓝-溴化十六烷基三甲基铵 络合物光度测定镉的反应条件和络合物组成。

  • Spectrophotometric Determination of Bi (ⅲ) in Ores with Ethyl Violet Spectrophotometric determination of trace bismuth with the ternary complex system of Bi ⅲ - KI-xylenol orange

    水相中铋(Ⅲ)-碘化钾-乙基紫缔合反应的研究&分光光度法测定微量铋铋-碘化钾-二甲酚橙 络合物体系光度法测定痕量铋

  • Synthesis Spectroscopic Property and Fluorescence of Ternary Complex of Eu (ⅲ) with Nicotinic Acid and Phenanthroline

    Eu(Ⅲ)烟酸、邻菲咯啉 配合 的合成、光谱性质及荧光性能的研究

  • Study on Determination of Vitamin C by Indirect Spectrophotometry with Flotation of Ternary Complex

    溶剂浮选 缔合 间接光度法测定药品中维生素C的研究

  • Determination of Aluminum in Its Ternary Complex by Stop - Flow Kinetic Method

    配合 停流-动力学分析法测定铝的研究

  • Formation of ternary complex of Neodymium with 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid and ninhydrin and its application

    钕与8-羟基喹啉-5-磺酸、茚三酮 配合 的形成及其在分析中的应用

  • A Study on the Determination of Mn (ⅱ) with Solvent Flotation Ternary Complex Spectrophotometry

    溶剂浮选 缔合 光度法测定痕量锰的研究

  • Clone of ternary complex factor Net cDNA and analysis its expression and function


  • The polarographic behaviour of the ternary complex formed by tantalum-tartaric acid-cupferron in the sulfuric medium has been studied .

    研究了钼-酒石酸-铜铁灵 络合物在H2SO4介质中的极谱行为。

  • The characteristics of the uranyl ternary complex is good instability sensibility selectivity and behavior of extraction .

    铀酰 络合物具有稳定性好、灵敏度高、选择性及萃取性能方面较好的特点。

  • The dispersing system frequently used in the production of PVC was PVA HPMC and LL-02 ternary complex system .

    生产PVC树脂常用的分散体系为PVA、HPMC、 LL-02 复合分散体系。

  • The new spectrophotometric method to determine Cu (ⅱ) under the ternary complex system of Cu (ⅱ) - Alizarin Red - Rhodamine B - Polyethylene Glycols is presented in the paper .

    本文提出了Cu(Ⅱ)-茜素红-罗丹明B-聚乙烯醇 配合 体系光度法测定Cu(Ⅱ)的新方法。

  • A ternary complex is also considered as the mathematical tool of describing a spatial motion of an object .

    此外 复数还可作为描述物体 复杂空间运动的数学工具。

  • Ternary Complex Spectrophotometric Determination of Microamount Nickel in Soil


  • A flow injection analysis with stopped flow technique for the simultaneous deter - mination of aluminum and iron is developed based on the formation of Al (ⅲ) Fe (ⅲ) - chrome azurol S-cetylpyridinium bromide blue ternary complex in weak acidic solution and double standard addition .

    在弱酸性溶液中,基于铝、铁与铬天青S、溴化十六烷基吡啶形成蓝色 络合物,采用两次标准加入法,建立了流动注射停流技术同时测定铝、铁的新方法。

  • Study on the micro determination of copper with ternary complex by Spectrophotometry

    光度法测定 体系中微量铜的研究和应用

  • DBP was also found to interact with VDR in vitro but the interaction was greatly weakened when VDR was activated by vitamin D. DBP VDR and cyclin D3 might form a ternary complex in vitro .

    我们还发现DBP在体外能够和VDR作用,而当用配体处理后这种作用被大大削弱了。DBP,VDR和cyClinD3可能形成一个 复合

  • Ternary complex fire detector for heat combustible gas and carbon monoxide gas

    温/可燃气体/一氧化碳 复合火灾探测器

  • Synthesis and Characterization of Ternary Complex of Cu (ⅱ) with 8-hydroxy quinoline and p-Hydroxy benzoic Acid

    Cu(Ⅱ)、8-羟基喹啉和羟基苯甲酸 配合 的合成与表征

  • Ternary complex factor Net regulates transcription of c-fos gene


  • In a medium of hydrochloric acid Ti (ⅳ) can form a ternary complex Ti ( DAPM ) _3 w_1042 ( SnCl_2 ) _4 with DAPM and SnCl_2 . micro amount of Titanium can be determined by Extraction-Colorimetric Method with 1 .

    在盐酸介质中,Ti~(4+)与DAPM和SnCl2生成 络合物Ti(DAPM)3w_1087(SnCl2)4.可用1二氯乙烷萃取比色测定微量钛。

  • Thermodynamic and Kinetic Study on the Formation of Ternary Complex of Cobalt (ⅱ ) - Bipyridyl - α - Aminoacids

    钴(Ⅱ)-联 吡啶-α-氨基酸的热力学和动力学研究

  • Synthesis and Electroluminescence of a Novel Eu (ⅲ) Ternary Complex

    一种新型铕(Ⅲ) 配合 的合成与电致发光

  • Determination of Trace Cadmium with Ternary Complex of Cd ~ ( 2 + ) - Bromatum Kalium-Phenanthroline by Resonance Light Scattering

    镉-溴化钾-邻菲罗 共振光散射法测定痕量镉的研究

  • At pH 5.0 in the presence of alizarin violet and excess cetyl pyridinium chloride a blue stable ternary complex of indium is formed .

    在氯化十六烷基吡啶存在下、pH5.0的介质中,茜素紫和铟形成稳定的蓝色 络合物

  • Study of determination of trace Fe (ⅲ) with thin layer resin phase based on a ternary complex system and spectrophotometry

    薄层树脂相 缔合体系分光光度法测定痕量Fe(Ⅲ)的研究

  • The spectrophotometric determination of trace mercury with the ternary complex system of Hg (ⅱ) KBr CV was introduced .

    本文提出了Hg()-溴化钾-结晶紫 配合 体系光度法测定痕量汞的新方法。