termination of session

[ˌtə:məˈneʃən ʌv ˈsɛʃən][ˌtɜ:məˈneɪʃən ɔv ˈseʃən]

[计] 对话终止

  • The session initiation protocol which is developed by IETF has been defined as a signaling protocol for the establishment maintenance and termination of multimedia session between two or more users .

    会议初始化协议(SIP)是由IETF制订的用于在两个或多个用户之间建立、修改和 终止多媒体 会话的信令协议。

  • Select Allow termination of remote VM option when you want the debugger to determine whether the Terminate command is available in a remote session .

    如果想让调试器决定在远程 会话中Terminate命令是否可用,可以选择Allow termination ofremoteVM选项。