terminal traffic

[ˈtɚmənəl ˈtræfɪk][ˈtə:minəl ˈtræfik]


  • A terminal connected to a computer by a data link . A terminal that can transmit and receive traffic .

    通过数据传送器和电脑相连的 终端。能发送和接收 信息 的一种终端 设备

  • According to analyzing deeply factors impacting traffic flow of Quay in modern container special terminal this paper puts forward and develops a traffic model of container terminal quay .

    摘要在深入分析现代集装箱专用 码头前沿交通流的影响因素的基础上,提出并建立了一个集装箱码头前沿 交通 模型。

  • Study on the Terminal Area for the Air Traffic Flow Management

    终端区的空中 交通流量管理的研究

  • City integrated passenger transportation terminal is the key link of the urban passenger traffic system the intersection of the urban comprehensive transportation network and the main place for the passenger to gather and disperse .

    城市综合客运 枢纽是城市客运 交通系统的关键环节,是城市综合交通网络的交汇点和乘客集散的主要场所。

  • The upper-level model embodied the principle of minimum summation of terminal investment transportation and management cost . The lower-level model embodied the effects on traffic flux assignment from different candidate-location . The lower-level model is the base of solving the upper-level model .

    选址的上层模型体现了运输费用和 基地投资费用、管理费用最小的原则,下层模型体现了入选点的不同对 交通流量分配的影响,下层模型是求解上层模型的基础。

  • Studied the multiple terminal network flow model and found that the problem of traffic flow network capacity is actually a problem of the multiple terminal and multiple goods maximum network flow .

    研究了多起 终点网络流模型,发现 交通流路网容量问题实际上是多起终点多种货物网络最大流问题。

  • As an available transfer location for various means of traffic the main function of the terminal is to realize the transfer between the urban traffic and the suburban traffic .

    铁路客运 枢纽是实现各种交通方式有效转换的场所,其最主要的交通功能是实现城市内外 交通之间的换乘。

  • The terminal now handles about three times the traffic it did before privatisation and offers ships that arrive on time an almost immediate berth .

    如今,这 码头的吞吐量约为私有化之前的三倍,对于按时抵达的 船只,也能做到随来随靠。

  • To develop the intelligence terminal which supports the WEB data traffic technology based on the PSTN we need make use of the suitable data traffic protocol coinciding with the PSTN consumer line characteristic .

    这就需要针对PSTN用户线路的特点,利用适合PSTN上数据传输的协议,开发基于PSTN网络支持web数据 通信的信息 终端

  • The Application of Terminal Survey Method to Traffic Volume Predication

    浅谈四阶段法在 交通量预测中的应用

  • The wireless transmission system is the key between the control center and the vehicle terminal is the very important component part of Urban Public Traffic Management System ( UPTMS ) .

    无线通讯链路作为监控中心与各移动目标进行信息交换的 枢纽,是城市公共 交通车辆管理系统的重要组成部分。

  • Another software component of the vehicle terminal ( the intelligent interaction center ) stores the railway safety regulations and relevant traffic information for ease of query by the driver in the course of driving .

    车载 移动台的另一软件组成部分行车 宝典存储有铁路安全规章制度以及相关 行车资料,便于司机在驾驶时进行查询。

  • By the analysis of terminal traffic net structure we established the traffic net model in which we take road sections as the basic unit . and intersection safety model .

    通过对 码头 路网结构的分析,建立了以路段为基本单元的码头路网模型和交叉路口安全模型;

  • With rapid improvements of mobile terminal users ' requirements to services of Internet and Multimedia traffic implementation and optimization of supports to HSPD ( High Speed Packet Data ) traffic of the system have been becoming a hot issue in mobile communication fields .

    随着 移动用户对因特网和多媒体服务需求的迅速增长,实现和优化系统对高速分组数据 业务的支持成为移动通信领域讨论和研究的焦点。

  • First of all the process of data collection of traffic conditions in various sections of the information collected and then through the process of data dissemination to information terminals the last terminal to the people through a variety of ways to show the traffic information .

    首先数据采集过程将各个路段的交通状况信息收集起来,然后经过数据发布过程将信息发布终端,最后 终端通过各种方式向人们展现这些 交通信息。

  • The user can view real-time traffic video of all the roads at any time by intelligent terminal and can also get other information such as road congestion traffic accident-prone roads and road construction from the electronic map .

    用户可以通过智能 终端随时查看各个路口实时的路况视频,也可以很方便地从电子地图中获取道路的拥堵情况、 交通事故频发路段和道路施工的地点等有用信息。

  • In terminal areas one of the purposes of air traffic management is to increase the capacity of runway system .

    提高跑道系统的容量是 终端区空中 交通管理的主要目的之一,而连续飞机之间的安全间隔是影响跑道容量的最大因素。

  • Airport terminal area flow optimization based on aircraft traffic gaps

    基于机型间隔的机场 终端流量优化

  • However because of the small terminal screen and keyboard low computing capability narrow bandwidth and traffic charges current Mobile Search engine such as Google can not meet the users ' precise smart efficient and other requirements .

    移动 终端具有屏幕和键盘小、运算处理能力差、带宽窄以及 流量收费等特点,现有的移动搜索引擎如Google不能满足用户精确、智能、高效等方面的要求。

  • Focusing on intersection a particular traffic scence an incident detection approach based on analysis the stop reason of the terminal car is presented in accordance with the traffic flow characteristics .

    针对交叉口这个特殊的交通场景,分析其 交通流特征,根据车辆所遵循的行驶规则以及发生交通事件后的影响,提出了一种分析交叉口 终端车辆停车原因的交通事件检测算法。

  • Flights Dynamic Sequencing System in Terminal Area Air Traffic Flow Management

    终端区空中 交通流量管理中的航班动态排序系统研究

  • A terminal that can transmit and receive traffic . Design of Voice Terminal for EW Communication System

    能发送和接收 信息 的一种 终端 设备。电子对抗通信系统中的话音终端设计

  • The containerized traffic of Kunming terminal is forecasted by Kunming terminal attraction area based on Kunming containerized traffic marketplace present situation and the foreground . And we study on how the distances between the roots and the order of the roots affect the distribution of the attraction area .

    在研究分析昆明铁路集装箱结点站 运输市场现状及发展前景的基础上,根据昆明结点站 集装箱吸引范围,预测了昆明结点站近远期集装箱的运量,为确定结点站建设规模打下基础。

  • In this paper the design and implementation of transit video terminal management system is to have city traffic management system of the great improvement and features added have a lot of actual application and academic research significance .

    本文设计与实现的公交视频 终端管理系统是对已有城市 交通管理系统的极大完善和功能补充,具有很大的实际应用和学术研究意义。

  • A terminal that can transmit and receive traffic . In communication theory that part of a communication system that connects the message source with the message sink .

    在通信理论中,指 通信系统中连接信息源和信息接收器的部分。

  • This not only increases the price of retail terminal but also led to urban traffic congestion and other waste problems of resource .

    这不仅抬高了零售 终端的价格,也造成了浪费及市区 交通拥堵等问题。

  • Regulation of freight terminal charges clearance of roadside traffic

    汽车货运 收费规则清理沿线各站 货运办法

  • Source pump station Analysis of Terminal Security Management to Reduce Passenger Traffic Accident

    降低客运 行车事故的客运 安全管理分析

  • This paper brought the urban logistic terminal into the urban traffic network to embody the effects the traffic status given to the logistic terminal location .

    本文将物流 基地纳入城市 交通网络中,以体现交通状况对物流基地选址的影响。