termination of risk

[ˌtə:məˈneʃən ʌv rɪsk][ˌtɜ:məˈneɪʃən ɔv risk]


  • First of all on the basis of the results of previous studies as well as the results of the research in this thesis defined the financial crisis as a result of the termination of the existence of market risk was special treatment .

    首先根据国内外研究学者的成果以及本文的研究对象,将财务危机定义为上市公司因存在 终止上市 风险而被特别处理的情况。

  • Abstract Since the termination of the two-pole world the international political and economic environment has gone through great changes the conditions under which the traditional ultra-political risks emerges are no longer universal . This has put new questions before international direct investors in political risk management .

    两极世界格局 结束后,国际政治经济环境发生了很大变化.传统的极端型政治风险据以产生的条件已不普遍存在.这给对外直接投资的政治 风险管理提出了新的课题。

  • Purpose : To investigate the safety effectiveness and acceptability of the termination of high risk pregnancies ( less than 70 days ) with mifepristone and misoprostol .

    研究目的:研究停经70天以内的 高危人流对象早孕 药流的安全性、有效性及可接受性。