termination product

[ˌtə:məˈneʃən ˈprɑdəkt][ˌtɜ:məˈneɪʃən ˈprɔdʌkt]


  • Legal and policy risk : the risk caused by the change of relative laws regulations rules and policies and the debut of emergent measures which lead to prematurely termination of this product .

    法律政策风险:由于国家有关法律、法规、规章、政策的改变、紧急措施的出台而导致的本 产品提前 终止等相关风险。

  • In addition the exception or termination caused by the huge traffic may be also encountered by the service product .

    除此之外,服务 产品还面临着因巨大的访问量所造成的服务异常或 终止问题。

  • Its force handset design production enterprise every year promotes the more different function different outward appearance the mobile termination product .

    其迫使手机设计生产企业每年推出更多不同功能不同外观的移动 终端 产品

  • Early termination of a contract is a special case of contract closure that could involve for example the inability to deliver the product a budget overrun or lack of required resources .

    合同的提前 终止属于合同收尾的特例,例如,可能是无力提交 产品,预算超支,或缺少必要的资源。

  • When termination occurs partly by disproportionation the prepolymer chains in the product carry branches as well as cross-links .

    终止 反应一部分是由歧化所起时,则在 产物中预聚物链不但带有交联也带有支链。

  • After the termination of copolymerization the copolymer solution was steam-stripped continuously in an agitated vessel and then the rubber crumbs obtained were dewatered and dried in a single screw extruder-expander machine and finally cutted into granular product .

    终止反应后,共聚物溶液在搅拌单釜中连续吹脱,胶团在单螺杆挤压-膨胀机中脱水、干燥,最后切成 细粒

  • An abnormal sprint termination can be called either by the team or the product owner .

    团队或是 产品负责人都有可能要求 中止sprint。