termination of block

[ˌtə:məˈneʃən ʌv blɑk][ˌtɜ:məˈneɪʃən ɔv blɔk]


  • Early termination of motion-estimation and mode selection based on Laplace distributed all-zero block detection

    全零 预判的运动估计及模式选择早 结束 研究

  • The Three-Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River is situated on the intact rock mass composed of diorite-granite at the southern termination of the Huangling block .

    长江三峡大坝座落于 黄陵南端由闪长花岗岩组成的完整岩体上。

  • In PL / 1 those processes that occur automatically at the termination of a block or task .

    在PL/1语言中,当一个 程序 或任务 结束时自动发生的处理过程。