temperature chart

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr tʃɑrt][ˈtempəritʃə tʃɑ:t]


  • According to request of oscillated instrument an intelligent temperature controller with AD μ C812 MCU is introduced . Its working principle 、 hardware organization and software flow chart are given .

    根据油质分析脱气要求,采用由单片机ADμ812组成的智能型油质分析脱气 恒温振荡仪,并给出系统的工作原理、硬件结构及软件 流程

  • A scientific and feasible temperature measuring and controlling scheme was put forward aimed at the measurement transmission and control of temperature data in green house and the hardware circuit and the flow chart of system were also given .

    针对温室 温度数据采集、传输与控制需求,提出了一种科学的、可行的测控方案,并设计了具体 可行的硬件电路和系统软件。

  • In this paper the method of numerical calculation for measuring sinusoidal temperature by armoured thermocouple as well as its flow chart its proposed . The calculated results by computer is also presented .

    本文提出铠装热电偶正弦 温度测量传热数值计算的算法和 框图,并介绍计算机计算结果。

  • Using the monthly soil temperature date in the depth of 3.2m during 1980 ~ 2000 in 141 stations and the precipitation date during 1961 ~ 2000 in 160 stations through the earth-atmosphere chart method the paper analyzed geothermal vortexes in Northwest China .

    利用我国141个测站1980~2000年逐月3.2m 地温资料和160个测站1961~2000年逐月降水资料,用“地气 ”方法对西北区内“地热涡”的分布特征进行详细分析。

  • A theoretical analysis and approach to high temperature psychrometric chart of humid air

    湿空气 高温焓湿 绘制原理的理论分析与探讨

  • Usually connected in series to maintain the tube in the sterilizer after the feed temperature of90 degrees Celsius the specific access method please refer to flow chart .

    通常是串接在杀菌机的保持管后,进料 温度摄氏90度左右,具体接法请参考工艺流程

  • This paper passes on the furnace temperature controlling system in groups composed with a chip-microcomputer and some parts controls 4 resistance furnaces at the same time and gives in detail its hardware structure and main program flow chart .

    介绍了用1台单片机及相应的部件组成电阻炉 炉温群控系统对4台电阻炉进行控制,并给出了详细的系统硬件结构图和程序流程

  • Comparisons are made among the flow control system and temperature control system as well as viscosity control system and the flow block chart of flow control system is given .

    对流量控制系统与 温度控制系统及粘度控制系统进行了比较,给出了流量控制系统的流程 框图

  • In this paper according to virial equation of state for real gas the high temperature psychrometric chart of humid air is analyzed .

    本文根据实际气体的压缩因子和维利状态方程,对湿空气的 高温焓湿 进行了分析。

  • Combined with the practical demand of powder temperature measurment of projectile a ultralow consumption powder thermometer is designed and the structure chart of system and the flow chart of software are given .

    结合射弹发射药 温度测量的实际需求,笔者设计了超低功耗 弹药温计。

  • The building and application of the temperature control model of draw texturing machine were discussed in detail and its flow chart was presented .

    详细介绍了加弹机 温控系统控制模型的建立与应用,并给出了系统的流程

  • An aircraft instrument for simultaneously recording temperature atmospheric pressure and humidity . circular chart baro-thermograph

    高空气象计自动记录 温度,空气压气以及湿度的飞机仪器圆 气压温度记录仪

  • The main contents are : 1 . a simple temperature and enthalpy chart set up by energy conservation law after the structure and operating principle has been analyzed as basic three components of the gas turbine & air-compressor combustion chamber and turbine .


  • The network method used to predict the temperature of armored vehicle power device was developed the network model and the whole calculation flow chart were presented .

    以装甲车辆动力装置部件为研究对象,提出了预测其 温度的网络化方法,给出了 传热网络模型,说明了总体计算 流程

  • The paper briefly relates the use of F_2 series programmable controller ( PC ) in controlling furnace temperature and the ladder program chart .

    介绍了F2-60MR可编程序控制器用于 炉温控制的方法和梯形程序

  • LabVIEW also plots high and low temperature limits on the chart ;

    另外在趋势 上标出了 温度的最高和最低限。

  • The design idea of testing hardware configuration and software of the temperature monitoring system of locomotive has been exploited . The paper introduces the flow chart of system hardware and the implement of CAN interface .

    阐述了机车 温度监测系统的软硬件的设计思想,结合实际介绍了监测软件 硬件的实现过程,给出了CAN总线的接口。

  • The intelligent monitoring system of wool fabric grazing treatment which is realized by the thermocouple temperature sensor is introduced the structure of hardware and the flow chart of software of the system are given .

    介绍了利用热电偶 敏器件实现毛纺布上光处理 温度智能监控系统,给出了系统的硬件结构及软件 流程

  • The hardware design of system control project and principle are described emphatically ? Then the control principle chart of water temperature and water level partial program flow chart are given ?

    阐述了系统的硬件设计、控制方案及原理,并给出了 水温水位控制原理图和部分软件流程

  • A Precise Method for Thermocouple Voltage - Temperature Conversion by the Chart

    用改进的 表格法实现热电偶毫伏- 温度的高精度转换

  • This paper presents a temperature control system of biochemical process based on fuzzy arithmetic Details are described about the overall architecture control arithmetic and flow chart of software .

    本文表述了一种基于模糊算法的生化过程 温度控制系统,详细论述了系统的总体结构、控制算法及软件实现 流程

  • Furthermore the interface circuit of surface temperature measurement and its software flow chart are given out .

    给出了表面 测温电路的硬件接口与软件流程

  • The article briefly deals with principles and procedure for calculating temperature distribution in machine tool headstock wall with finite difference method sets out calculation chart and suggests practical example to illustrate compilation process and points for attention .

    本文简要地阐明了用有限差分法计算有孔箱壁 温度场的原理和步骤,列出了计算 框图,并用实例说明了编程过程及应注意的问题。

  • Then a corresponding calculation flow chart is given according to the temperature decreasing equation and the effectiveness of this chart is demonstrated by the actual data and records in production .

    随后根据总的 降方程建立相应的计算流程图,并通过在实际的生产中的生产数据记录来验证 流程 的正确性。

  • Results : From the experiment we discover ① the temperature under the skin of the animal model rises when the continuous baking time increases . The coordinate chart tallies with parabola low and its character tallies with the coordination method of index chart .

    结果:通过实验发现:(1)动物模型皮下 温度随持续烘烤时间的增加而升高,坐标 符合抛物线规律,特征符合指数曲线的配合方法。

  • Drying air temperature and humidity exhaust air temperature and humidity sample mass and moisture removal rate etc. are shown as chart in time and stored in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file for processing .

    热风温度、样品质量、样品水分、样品降水率、尾气 温度、尾气湿度等以 图表实时显示,并以电子表格存储。

  • The furnace of low temperature pyrolysis for treatment of medical waste was introduced . It presents the flow chart of system 、 the composing of prototype machine 、 the function of each equipment .

    医疗废物 低温热解炉的研制进行了介绍,重点叙述了系统的设计流程 、样机的组成和各设备的作用。

  • This temperature control system used improved PID control arithmetic in software fully considered measure of anti-jamming in hardware the chart circuit and software flow chart are offered .

    温度控制系统.软件上采用了改进的增量型PID控制算法,硬件上充分考虑了抗干扰措施,并给出了硬件 结构 与软件流程。

  • The VI makes temperature measurements and displays them in the thermometer indicator and on the chart .

    测量 温度并在指示器和趋势 上显示。