


v.引诱或怂恿(某人)干不正当的事( tempt的现在分词)

  • That pie looks tempting .

    那馅饼看上去 诱人了。

  • It 's tempting to keep track of all your contributions and sacrifices in a relationship .

    记录下你为家庭所做的贡献和牺牲是 吸引 的。

  • It 's a tempting conclusion .

    这一结论 颇具 诱惑性。

  • This relatively sanguine diagnosis is tempting but dangerous .

    这种相对乐观的诊断颇具 诱惑性,但是 危险。

  • To me uh it 's not very tempting .

    对我来说,那地方不 吸引

  • It 's so tempting when a man is courting you to let him be successful and win you over .

    当一个你中意的男人追求你时,让他成功并赢得你的芳心当然是女人受不 诱惑

  • Jane : That 's a tempting offer . I 'll think about it .

    阿珍∶真是个 吸引 的提议。我会考虑的。

  • As soon as you start to talk about never having played on a losing side it is tempting fate .

    你刚说从来没输过, 晦气就来了。

  • When we 're understaffed and under pressure it 's very tempting to accept assumptions as facts .

    当我们人员不足并承受压力时,接受假设作为事实是非常 诱人的。

  • Oh it 's very tempting but I think we 'd better go .

    噢,听起来非常 诱惑 ,但我想我们最好还是走吧。

  • You 're tempting the grim reaper you know .

    你知道吗,你正在 引诱死神。

  • You are tempting me .

    你是在 诱惑我。

  • The pie that your next-door neighbor brought by to thank you for your kindness looks tempting .

    作为对你仁慈的感谢,你的邻居带给你一个馅饼,这看起来 诱惑

  • Are you tempting me with money Mr tata ?

    用钱 诱惑我吗,tata先生?

  • Which is tempting you more my blood or my body ?

    哪个对你更有 诱惑,我的血还是我的身体?

  • For starters prices may not look so tempting after a year of economic slowdown .

    首先,经历了一年的经济放缓,目前的价格可能看起来不那么 诱人

  • Some are soft and tempting like a peach or a cherry .

    有的很软而且 诱人,像是桃子和樱桃。

  • I 'm not kind ; I 'm just tempting you .

    我不客气,我只不过是在 引诱你。

  • As we enter a new year it 's tempting to think the worst could be over .

    当我们进入新的一年,这是 诱人的,认为最坏的可能了。

  • It 's tempting to make a radical move if you 're dissatisfied in your current position .

    如果你不满你现在的位置,这 导致你作出激进行为。

  • At first glance it would be tempting to agree .

    乍一看,会 同意。

  • It is tempting to look at what it all involves and then give up in despair .

    这更 诱使 去看看那所有涉及到这些的事,然后会在绝望中放弃。

  • It is tempting to register a listener from its constructor but it 's a temptation you should avoid .

    从侦听器的构造函数中登记它很 诱惑 ,但是这是一个应当避免的诱惑。

  • I just feel like this baby is tempting God a little .

    我只是觉得有这个宝宝太 冒险了。

  • If you 're slimming resisting tempting goodies becomes a measure of your ' success ' as a woman

    你要是在减肥的话,能否抗拒 诱人的美食就成为衡量你作为一个女人是否“成功”的标准。

  • It was a tempting offer .

    这是个 诱人的提议。

  • You offer is tempting but I can 't risk losing my job to do it .

    虽然你的条件很 诱人,但我不能冒丢掉工作的险去做这件事。参考 答案

  • Shall I explain how you are tempting me ?

    用我解释你什么 地方 动心了吗?

  • Having debt problems is a stressful and sometimes scary experience and it 's tempting to ignore the situation .

    债务问题已是一个可怕的压力,而且有时经验,它的 诱人忽视的情况。