temporary link

[ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri lɪŋk][ˈtempərəri liŋk]

[计] 暂时链路

  • The security of network access security includes authority and key arrange authentication and the algorithm temporary indentity the protect of access link data integrity of single protect of RRC .

    无线接入网的安全对策主要包括鉴权与密钥协商,鉴权和密钥协商(AKA)算法, 临时身份识别(TUMI),接入 链路数据的安全保护,RRC(无线资源层)信令保护完整性。

  • Additionally routing reconfigurability can solve the problem of routing failure caused by the temporary or perpetual link fault .

    另外,路由重构可解决 链路 短时或长时失效带来的选路失败问题。

  • Hotel as their temporary lodging has already broken the simple function of accommodation which even becomes the open window of a country and region the platform and link for international communication .

    而作为 宾客之家的涉外酒店早已突破了简单意义的住宿功能,更成为一个国家或地区的窗口及国际交往的平台和 纽带

  • The high voltage direct current charge system employs the mode of the AC alternate voltage charging ; the temporary energy storage and primary pulse generating system consist of the resonance circuit and the pulse transformer ; the 3-stage magnetic pulse compression network is adopted as the pulse compression link .

    其中,高压直流充电环节采用交流调压的充电方式; 中间储能脉冲形成环节由谐振倍压电路及脉冲变压器组成;采用三级磁脉冲压缩网络作为脉冲压缩 环节