


  • Somehow the marriage lasted for eight tempestuous months .

    不管怎么说,那场婚姻还是维持了8个月, 其间 双方 关系一直 紧张

  • Their married life was short and tempestuous .

    他们的婚姻生活很短暂而且是 吵吵 闹闹的。

  • April could prove a tempestuous time in your private life .

    4月份可能是你个人生活中一段不 平静的时期。

  • And they said to him what shall we do with you that the sea may be quiet for us ? For the sea grew more and more tempestuous .

    他们问他说,我们当向你怎样行,使海为我们平静下来呢?这是因为海越发 翻腾

  • He saw overhead a black and tempestuous sky across which the wind was driving clouds that occasionally suffered a twinkling star to appear ;

    他看到天空是一片黑暗, 预示 风暴 即将 来临了,风在 用劲地驱赶着疾驰的浮云,不时的露出一颗闪烁的星星。

  • It was a little difficult to perform at first because my character drinks and is very open-minded and that is not really typical Korean said Lee Ji-yeon who plays Sara a tempestuous New Yorker in the musical .

    在剧中扮演情绪化的纽约人萨拉的 李芝妍(LeeJi-yeon,音译)说,一开始,表演有点儿难,因为我扮演的人物爱喝酒,而且思想非常开放,她不太像韩国人。

  • Spinelli 's relationship with the striker has often been a tempestuous one but he denied that it had caused an irrevocable split .

    斯皮内利和卢卡雷利的关系常常 紧张,但他否定了二人的关系会导致球队的一次必然的分裂。

  • But not long after there arose against it a tempestuous wind called Euroaquilo .

    可是,过了不久,有一种称为「东北风」的飓风,向岛 上冲来。

  • Now in his newly published diaries David Blunkett ( the British politician in question ) has conceded that his mental state was anything but robust during the tempestuous goings-on of the past two years .

    现在, 布伦基特(英国政界的话题人物)在自己新出版的日记里承认,在过去两年的多事之秋,他的精神状态糟透了。

  • As one senior executive puts it the US economy at the moment is like a stormy sea : tempestuous for those looking at it from the top but a lot calmer for those inhabiting its deeper reaches .

    如同一位高管所言,目前的美国经济就像是暴风雨中的海洋:对于那些从海面来看的人来说,是一 狂风骤雨,而对于深居 海底的来说,则要平静得多。

  • On a rainy tempestuous night a coloured woman was standing on the roadside .

    一个暴风雨的晚上,一个“有色”妇女站在路旁, 浑身 湿透

  • But policy makers have the means to ensure the transition to this new phase will be merely turbulent rather than tempestuous .

    但政策制定者有办法确保向这一新阶段的转型只会 引起颠簸、而不会 引发 地震

  • Au contraire they are massive and tempestuous .

    相反地,它们可是非常厚重 狂暴的。

  • All the fury of her tempestuous soul fell as the sea falls under a lapse of wind .

    狂暴的灵魂 发出的一切愤怒都在 平息了,如同大海在风暴 之后 平静 一样

  • With Floods and Whirlwinds of tempestuous fire .

    有如洪水旋风般的 狂暴的火焰;

  • They had fortitude and self-reliance and in time of difficulty or peril stood up for the welfare of the state like a line of cliffs against a tempestuous tide .

    他们坚定而自信,在困难和危险的时刻,为了国家利益挺身而出,犹如一面 迎击拍岸的 怒涛

  • But she was also well known for a colourful personal life that included two tempestuous marriages to Welsh film star Richard Burton .

    不过她的知名度同样也 于她丰富多彩的私生活。她曾两次嫁给威尔士电影明星理查德 伯顿,两次都 维持非常 短暂 时间

  • And in China People 's Bank of China governor Zhou Xiaochuan embarks on a third term with one of the most difficult challenges of all : Opening the world 's second largest economy to the tempestuous global flows of capital while managing an escalating domestic debt boom .

    在中国,刚刚开始第三个任期的中国央行行长周小川面临有史以来最艰巨的挑战之一:向 波涛汹涌的全球资本敞开中国的 大门,应对日益严峻的中国债务膨胀问题。

  • The historians present the picture of a brilliant but tempestuous and cruel man .

    这些史家笔下呈现出的成吉思汗是一个绝顶聪明,但 脾气 暴烈、残忍无情的 君王

  • Accidental song and restoring your memory insisted on the sea tempestuous .

    偶然的一首歌,复原你的声息,在记忆的海 翻腾

  • For years the couple 's tempestuous relationship made the headlines

    有好多年,那对夫妻 跌宕 起伏的关系总是登上报纸头条。

  • I see you are contemplating the transfer of your tempestuous affections from Ashley to me and I fear for my liberty and my peace of mind .

    我看你是在盘算着把你对艾希礼的 狂热感情转移到我身 上来,可是我害怕 丧失我的意志自由和平静呢。

  • Mercilessly pounded by the tempestuous southern ocean Borden Islands surprisingly offers a haven for one of the rarest seals in the world .

    由于无情地受到南部海洋暴风雨的猛烈袭击, 博登岛意外地成为世界上的一种珍稀海豹的安息之所。

  • But could she piay the tempestuous southern beiie ?

    但她能够充当南方的 暴躁美女吗?

  • But it will calm the swell and heaving of thy passion like oil thrown on the waves of a tempestuous sea .

    不过,这 象是把油倒在暴风雨 掀起的海浪上, 可以平息你 澎湃 翻腾的情欲。

  • Their ship was sailing dangerously in the tempestuous sea .

    他们的船在 的海上危险地航行着。

  • It lies at the heart of one of the most tempestuous alliances in art between Vincent Van Gogh and his mentor Paul Gauguin .

    这是艺术史上最 狂暴的一 关系的中心,也就是文森特梵高和他的导师保罗高更。

  • The most tempestuous period in history

    历史上最为 动乱的时期