temporary payments

[经] 暂付款项,临时支付

  • First the fiscal expansion has been mostly in the form of temporary tax cuts and transfer payments .

    首先,财政扩张大多是以 暂时减税以及转移 支付的形式出现的。

  • An authorization to a debtor such as a bank or nation permitting temporary suspension of payments .

    延缓 偿付对于借款人,例如一个银行或国家,允许 暂时延缓 偿还 借款的授权。

  • The two principal purposes of the IMF are to promote exchange stability and to help member countries overcome temporary difficulties in their balance of payments .

    国际货币基金组织的两个主要宗旨是促进汇率稳定和帮助会员国克服国际 收支方面的 暂时困难。