


  • Opinions Vary about the theoretical basis for the tenability of the existing distribution relationship and there is no unified and scientific understanding of it .

    对现存分配关系 成立的理论依据, 人们 众说纷纭,缺乏一个科学统一的认识,因此, 需要我们对 经典 作家的分配 决定理论进行 重新考察。

  • Is tenability human body normal what is visual vitamin ?


  • The tenability of Walras 's law is the prerequisite of general equilibrium and the tenability of the law is the result of the aggregate of individual budget .

    实物 瓦尔拉斯 法则 成立是一般均衡存在的必要前提,而“瓦尔拉斯法则”的成立应当是个体预算 约束 总的结果。

  • The quantum dots ( QDs ) have the good properties about the spectral tenability light stability and chemical versatility .

    胶体 半导体量子点具有光谱 调性,光稳定性,以及化学多功能性的优良特性。

  • Conditions for the tenability of the trace equality of some matrix products

    几个矩阵乘积的迹等式 成立的条件

  • Comparing with optical parametric oscillation ( OPO ) and dye laser ( DL ) SRS has many advantages : the Stokes output beam properties of tenability narrow line-width high spatial purity and relatively low cost .

    与光学参量振荡器(OPO)和染料激光器(DL)相比,SRS有很多优点:拉曼频 确定、线宽很窄、方向性好和成本相对较低等。

  • Historian Consciousness and Object of Foreign Country : Tenability of Austrian Literature in Chinese Academic Vision

    史家意识与异国对象&中国学术视野里的奥国文学之 成立

  • And then the tenability and dual-wavelength operation of the fiber lasers were analyzed with Jones Matrix .

    并利用琼斯矩阵分析了该光纤激光器 实现 调谐 输出及双波长产生的 机理

  • These filters not only have perfect multi-wavelength comb filtering characteristics but also can achieve tenability and can find many potential applications in the fields of fiber sensor tunable fiber lasers and DWDM systems .

    这种滤波器不仅可实现良好的多波长梳状滤波和 特性,还可以 实现 中心波长的大范围可 调谐性,在光纤传感,可调谐光纤激光器以及DWDM系统等领域具有巨大的应用前景。

  • Electro-Optic Wavelength Filter consists of a sequence of individually addressable polarization converters and enables programmable spectral response and continuous wavelength tenability through polarization convert .

    电调谐光滤波器由一系列可单独寻址的集成电光偏振转换器组成,通过偏振转换实现滤波器的频谱响应编程及波长 调节

  • However the budget constraint of any individual cannot guarantee the tenability of the law .

    但是,任何个体都 必须 承受 那种预算约束并不能保证“ 实物 瓦尔拉斯 法则 成立

  • The transmission spectrum mode-conversion efficiency the relationship between bandwidth and its parameters such as modulation period the length of taper waist and acoustooptic tenability were computed .

    计算了在双锥光纤中 声光谐振耦合的波谱特性和模式转换效率、带宽与调制周期和耦合 长度的关系。

  • The virtual cathode oscillator ( vircator ) is one of the most promising high-power microwave sources because of its conceptual simplicity high-output power capability and its tenability .

    虚阴极振荡器是一种重要的高功率微波器件,具有结构简单、频率易调、束流质量要求 低等特点;

  • Free-electron Lasers ( FELs ) have some unique features such as wavelength tenability and design-ability and potentialities for high efficiency and good beam quality etc. Therefore FELs may be found wide-range applications in many areas such as science defense medicine and industry .

    自由电子激光( FEL)具有波长连续可调、可设计等新颖特性和高效率、高光束质量等潜在能力,在科学、国防、医学和工业等领域有广泛的应用前景。

  • Similarities and Differences in the Important Documents of Marriage Tenability in Two Banks of Straits

    论海峡两岸婚姻 成立要件的异同