temperature runaway

[ˈtɛmpərəˌtʃʊr ˈrʌnəˌwe][ˈtempəritʃə ˈrʌnəˌweɪ]


  • When the temperature was runaway to 1273K ~ 1473K the deactivation was due to covering of active Pd by other elements and the catalytic activity of regenerated catalysts could be recovered partially . This provided the way to reuse the deactivated catalysts .

    催化剂活性组分Pd被其它元素覆盖,使催化剂中毒,是引起飞 1273K~1473K催化剂失活的主要原因,再生只能部分恢复其活性,此结论为 失活催化剂再次利用提供了途径。

  • Scientists fear that at levels above that the likelihood of feedback effects which amplify temperature rises could result in runaway climate change - a rapid acceleration in temperature and effects such as more violent storms desertification and a sharp reduction in agricultural productivity .

    科学家们担忧,如果超过上述水平,那么放大 气温上升的“反馈”效应,可能导致气候变化 失控即气温上升速度迅速加快,并造成更严重的风暴、土壤沙化、以及农业大幅减产等影响。

  • Furthermore the permittivity of CaTiO_3 increased with the temperature rising which resulted in the heating way of positive feedback . The heating way of positive feedback was one of the main reasons for the occurrence of thermal runaway in the BF slag bearing high TiO_2 .

    此外,实验测得CaTiO3的介电常数随 温度的升高而增大,这种正反馈加热方式正是高钛高炉渣在微波场中发生热 失控的主要原因之一。

  • However the vast heat produced during the operation of lithium ion batteries will rise the internal temperature of batteries induce the uneven distribution of heat shorten the cycle life of batteries and even cause thermal runaway .

    但锂离子电池在使用时会产生大量的热量,导致电池 温度升高以及电池组内电池 温度的不均匀,降低电池的循环寿命,甚至会引起热 失控

  • On the other hand the 10 . 6 μ m light absorption coefficient of semiconductors such as Si InP increases with the rising of temperature . The above two factors can easily lead to a thermal runaway phenomenon .

    另一方面,Si、InP等半导体材料对10.6μm波长激光的吸收系数随 温度的升高而增大,这导致实验时容易产生热致 破坏,损伤基片。

  • The utility model relates to a temperature excursion alarm used for the temperature runaway of an oven .

    一种用于烘箱 温度 失控时的超温报警器。

  • Simplified Approach to the Radial Temperature Profile in Analysis for Parametric Sensitivity and Runaway in Fixed-Bed Reactors

    固定床反应器参数 灵敏性分析中径向 温度分布的简化处理

  • Based on the theory of parametric sensitivity of the first order reaction systems the formula of the temperature of the critical hot spot with e as a perturbation parameter and the runaway criterion for the n-th order reaction systems are derived respectively .

    本文以一级反应系统参数敏感性理论为依据,给出n级反应系统以ε为扰动参数的临界热点 温度表达式,内插得到该系统的 判据。