terminal loss

[ˈtɚmənəl lɔs][ˈtə:minəl lɔs]


  • The quantity of juice loss showed that : the rate of 10 ℃ / min and lower than the terminal temperature of - 60 ℃ or so could reduce the juice loss effectively .

    用果表明,以10℃/min的速率快速降温至 肉品玻璃化转变温度 -60℃左右范围,可有效地减少汁液 流失

  • The guidance method satisfies terminal angular constraint as reentry vehicle hitting target but also ensures minimum loss of maneuvering velocity for reentry vehicle .

    该方法利用最优控制理论的思想方法,不仅使飞行器命中目标时满足了 终端角度约束的条件,而且保证了再入飞行器机动速度 损失最小。

  • Because the network has joint characteristic and so on form multiplicity terminal distribution nonuniformity openness boundless nature freedom causes the network easily the hacker and virus 's attack for the society the school has brought massive loss .

    由于网络具有联结形式多样性、 终端分布不均匀性、开放性、无边界性、自由性等特征,致使网络易受黑客和病毒的攻击,给社会、学校带来了巨大的 损失

  • Developed distribution transformer data collection terminal which realizing transformer harmonic current signal conditioning digital collection FFT spectrum analysis remote data transmission and can provide data for analysis capacity non-load loss and short-circuit loss of distribution transformer .

    研制配电变压器数据采集 终端,实现谐波电流的信号调理、数字化采集、FFT频谱分析以及远程数据传输,并且可以为配电变压器容量、空载 损耗和短路损耗的在线监测提供分析所需数据。

  • It can overcome the Limitation of the present ARPA and make ARPA terminal system more perfect without loss of ARPA precision .

    它克服了目前船用ARPA的局限性,使ARPA 终端系统更加完善,且不 原ARPA精度。

  • Variable Air Volume System ( Variable Air Volume Air Conditioning System ) achieves energy saving purposes by adjusting blower speed based on changes of terminal load and reducing the loss of fans .

    变风量空调系统(VariableAirVolumeAirConditioningSystem)是根据 末端负荷的变化随时调整送风机的转速,以此减少风机的 损耗,达到节能目的的。

  • It resolves the problem that the receiver is too complex because the number of antenna is excess by decline the antenna number in receiving terminal so it can reduce cost considerably and loss lesser performance .

    通过减少接收 终端中的天线数目,解决在个人 移动 终端中因天线数量过多造成的接收机过于复杂的问题,从而以很小的性能 损失换取成本的大幅降低。

  • After the completion of the mobile terminal design program realized real-time data query report the loss of STH data update data access etc. Function .

    设计完成后的手机 程序实现了实时数据查询、 挂失、数据更新、数据访问等功能。

  • Remote terminal measurement units FTU and TTU are commonly designed in some of lines and at load terminal of public distribution transformer to promote the level of distribution automation which provide full and reliable data for line loss calculating precisely .

    当前为提高配电网自动化水平,普遍在部分线路及公用配电变压器负荷 配置有远方终端测量装置(FTU、TTU)。这为准确计算 线损提供了充实、可靠的数据来源。

  • Using the finite element method and terminal voltage convergence the eddy loss of the stator can was calculated .

    本文提出了一种改进的解析法,用来计算 变压器油箱等结构件中由漏磁场引起的涡流 损耗

  • Observational evidence for stellar winds obtained from radio infrared visible UV and X-ray regions are given . And two important parameters terminal velocity and mass loss rate are discussed .

    在观测方面,给出了从射电、红外,可见光、紫外和X射线各波段得到的观测证据,并介绍了星风的两个重要参数、星风的 速和质量 损失率。

  • On the Choice of Electric Cable based on the Low-tension Cable Terminal Loss of Voltage and Active Power Loss

    根据低压电缆 末端电压降及有功 损耗选择电缆

  • Online monitoring terminal of dielectric loss based on DSP and CPLD

    基于DSP和CPLD开发容性设备介 在线监测 终端

  • In order to enhance power utilization for uplink mobile user terminal user power control algorithm with satellite power detecting has been proposed which reduces the power loss effectively for users .

    为了提高上行链路用户 终端功率利用率,提出一种基于星上功率检测的用户功率控制算法,有效降低用户功率 损耗

  • The key of realizing the application in radar system shown in theories and tests is to carry out miniature optical terminal units which have low loss low noise and large dynamic range .

    理论分析和实验表明,制成低 损耗、低噪声、大动态范围的小型化 光端 是实现雷达系统应用的关键。

  • The model is very helpful in winding optimal design central tap terminal improvement design and winding loss measurement .

    该模型的建立有助于中间抽头变压器线圈的优化设计,中间 抽头引出线设计以及线圈 损耗的测量。

  • The assessment of LNG Receiving Terminal is aim to identify potential risk of harmful factors and calculate the consequences of the accident so that we can take timely and effective measures to minimize the loss of the damage .

    对LNG接收 进行安全评价,找出系统潜在危险有害因素、计算出事故后果,以便及时采取有效措施,把事故的 损失程度降到最小。

  • Simulation results show that the proposed vertical handover trigger mechanism can effectively reduce the probability of mobile terminal handover and the packet loss of the terminal .

    仿真结果表明,该垂直切换触发机制能够有效地降低移动 终端执行切换的概率和终端的 丢包概率。