terminal operation

[ˈtɚmənəl ˌɑpəˈreʃən][ˈtə:minəl ˌɔpəˈreiʃən]


  • The efficiency of container terminal operation cannot meet the requirement of the transport system . So it demands the terminal management level higher .

    码头的集装箱吞吐量迅速增长,集装箱 码头 作业效率已不能满足整个运输系统的需求,对码头的管理提出了更高的要求。

  • Managing the Interface Between Commercial Activities and Terminal Operation in An Airport

    科学管理机场 候机 作业及商业活动

  • Effects of video display terminal operation on the health

    视屏显示 终端 作业与健康的关系

  • The yard becomes the key zone gradually in terminal operation with the throughout of container in China broken through 100 million TEUs and uninterrupted development of container terminal construction .

    随着我国集装箱吞吐量突破1亿标准箱以及集装箱码头的不断建设发展,堆场渐渐成为 码头 运营中的关键区域。

  • Traffic demand forecasting model for large port based on terminal operation situation

    基于 码头 作业形态的港区道路交通需求预测

  • Boarding ladder is a special equipment . In the process of terminal operation after the ship berthing at various modern large-scale oil terminals terminal operators and crew members safe and smooth ship equipment from top to bottom .

    登船梯是各种现代化大型码头在船舶靠泊后 码头 作业过程中,码头作业人员和船员安全顺利上下船舶的专用设备。

  • As the place of container stacking for loading and uploading ship and the place of temporary custody and the transfer of containers to the owner the container terminal yard has the very important influence on the level of the whole terminal operation efficiency .

    集装箱码头堆场作为供装卸船舶堆放集装箱的场所,作为临时保管和向货主交接集装箱的地方,对整个 码头 作业效率的高低有非常重要的影响。

  • After system testing and results presentation the terminal operation is relatively stable the function was achieved .

    经过系统测试与结果演示, 终端 服务器 运行比较稳定,各项功能基本实现。

  • The container truck scheduling can make terminal operation efficiently . So how to maximum improve port truck operation efficiency become a problem in container terminal .

    因此作为承担着集装箱码头内的装卸和运输的集卡调度业务成为提升 码头 作业效率的一个重要节点,因此怎样最大限度的提高港口集卡运作的效率就成为提高集装箱码头生产率的迫切需要。

  • In this paper based on the Android platform developed a nurse handheld tablet terminal operation system is proposed .

    本文提出了基于Android系统平台开发出一套护士手持平板 终端 查房系统。

  • Due to oil exploration terminal operation shipping transportation and all kinds of unexpected oil spills large oil pollutions get into the sea which threats the marine ecological environment .

    由于海上石油开采、 码头 作业、船舶运输以及各种突发溢油事故,导致大量的石油污染物进入海洋,严重威胁海洋生态环境。

  • The railway container terminal reasonable operation procedures are determined according to the terminal character and function .

    根据集装箱结点站的性质和功能,确定了合理的铁路集装箱结点 作业流程。

  • The rational attitude to treat the confirmation procedure is to find the factor of constitution system and take this as the foundation to design the current judicial compensation procedure as alternative procedure and establish the terminal operation organization in the National People 's Congress .

    对待确认程序的理性态度是揭示出其生成的宪政体制因素,并以此为基础将现行司法赔偿确认程序设计成可选择的程序,并在人大中设立 最终 处理机关。

  • The coal terminal operation simulation system for Rizhao Port was developed to support decision-making about terminal ′ s operation and management .

    为辅助日照港煤炭码头规划设计和运作管理决策,开发了煤炭 码头 生产模拟系统。

  • According to the mobile terminal operation ability and storage capacity this paper does not use large participle word library but the simple Bigram word segmentation method we make pretreatment by means of removing stop words segmentation get the message content feature vector .

    针对移动 终端 运算能力和存储能力,本文没有采用大型的分词词库,而是采用简单易行的Bigram分词方法,通过去除停用词等手段对分词结果进行预处理,得到短信内容的特征向量。

  • Now the equipment system of RTG is controlled by PLC while a work instruction is sent by the terminal operation system .

    目前龙门吊机械系统主要被设备的PLC系统控制着,作业指令则是由 码头 操作系统发出的,两个系统之间不存在任何的数据交换。

  • Expanded river trade terminal operation ;

    扩展内河 码头 运作

  • Optimization of container terminal operation system has also become one of the hotspots in recent years .

    集装箱 码头 作业系统的 运行和优化也成为近年来研究的热点之一。

  • As to Beijing Capital International Airport Headquarter it retained the well-known constant company to help them to prepare the long-term layout the integraed schedule of some business units will be implemented in the beginning of new terminal operation .

    首都机场集团公司自2004年至今,一直在聘请国际知名的咨询公司帮助企业制定中长期发展规划,有些业务板块的整合计划将结合新 航站 投产 运行实施。

  • Waigaoqiao Container Terminal Digital Operation Management System

    外高桥集装箱 码头数字化 生产管理系统

  • The proposal has a detail evaluation according to the cargo volume cost comparation terminal operation maneuverability profit-and-lose analysis ect .

    在案例中,通过货源和货量、成本比较、 码头操作性、盈亏平衡分析等,对方案进行详细的量化分析。

  • At the same time the communication technology and the rapid development of computer technology era modern container terminal operation and management of digital process is accelerated ceaselessly .

    同时,在通信技术和计算机技术快速发展的时代,现代化集装箱 码头 运营管理数字化进程不断加快。

  • Structure Design of CDMA ′ s DM Terminal Operation System

    CDMA的DM 终端 管理系统的结构设计

  • Study of changes in amplitude of accommodation in long stage after LASIK for myopia Effects of Short-term Video Display Terminal Operation on Ocular Accommodation Parameters

    近视眼LASIK术后远期单眼调节幅度变化的研究短时期 VDT 作业对眼调节参数的影响

  • The Application of Wireless Network and Mobile Intelligent Terminal in Operation Examination

    无线移动智能 终端操作考核中的应用

  • The model also analysis the factors that can influence terminal operation and this can offer advice to the managers for their decisions .

    并且,模型也对影响 堆场 操作的各个因素进行了敏感性分析,为 码头堆场管理提供定量的决策依据。

  • VDT ( Visual Display Terminal ) operation is a new work form accompanied by the popularization of computers .

    VDT(VisualDisplay Terminal作业是伴随着计算机的普及而出现的一种全新的作业形式。

  • The Research of the Curriculum Designed about Container Terminal Operation Based on the Process of Job-oriented

    基于工作过程导向的集装箱 码头 操作课程设计研究

  • Simulation Modeling Technique of Virtual Reality-based Container Terminal Operation

    基于虚拟现实的港口集装箱 码头 装卸 系统仿真建模技术

  • Modern container terminal operation has the advantages of high efficiency large information quantity rhythm is fast complex and changeable characteristics and shipping companies customs cargo land transport carrier and other related departments and units in close contact .

    现代集装箱 码头 运营具有效率高、信息量大、节奏快、复杂多变等特点,与船公司、海关、货主、陆路运输承运人等相关部门和单位联系密切。