


  • Besides the terra-cotta soldiers I especially remember a person in Xi'an one of our taxi drivers .

    除了 兵马俑以外,我们还记得一个人,是我们出租车的司机。

  • Egg-shaped terra-cotta instrument with a mouthpiece and finger holes .

    带有一个吹口和手指孔的卵 乐器。

  • Research on Renewable Groovelike Bionic Diamond Bit Only a portion of the Roman aqueducts utilized the familiar stone arch ; most were underground conduits made of stone or terra-cotta pipe .

    可再生沟槽式仿生金刚石钻头的试验研究其中部分是利用石拱结构,大部分是以石头和 赤陶造的地下沟渠。

  • I really want to see the old walls and terra-cotta warriors one day .

    我真的很想有一天去看看古代的墙和 兵马俑

  • What a huge Museum of the terra-cotta army !

    多么宏大的 兵马俑博物馆呀!

  • The conclusion of weaknesses in tourist experience and threats in diversification of the market demand are got based on the analyses for tourist experience in Qin 's Terra-cotta with ASEB tourist experience is ignored and weakness with development of culture value are the main reason .

    以ASEB法对世界文化遗产秦 兵马俑的游客体验进行分析,得出了其游客体验水平低的劣势和市场需求多样化威胁的结论,而忽视游客体验提升和文化价值开发薄弱是导致这种现象的根本原因。

  • Study of Terra-cotta 's Application Rules on Architectural Appearance The same Tao Hong The face brick featured civilization


  • The ancient Minoans laid terra-cotta pipes to bring water from a nearby hill creating water pressure in much the same way we use towers .


  • Petrographic analyses of the shards of terra-cotta from Qinshihuang Mausoleum showed that the terra-cotta was made of sand-tempered pottery .

    岩相分析结果表明, 兵马俑是夹砂陶。

  • Quarry tiles ( used for flooring ) and terra-cotta made of natural clays are less hard and more porous But very popular for economic and aesthetic reasons .

    机制花砖(通过用作地面装饰材料)和 陶瓦 ,采用天然黏土制成, 耐力较小并有空隙,但因其经济 实惠造型美观而广为使用。

  • In the traveling process we will arrange Terra-Cotta Warrior 's reproductions and other local products stores for shopping .

    旅游过程中,同时安排 兵马俑的仿制品和其他土特产商店 参观购物。

  • Now the systemic study on the rules of terra-cotta is very insufficient .

    面对 这种 情况,目前对 自身运用规律的系统研究还相当地缺乏。

  • Xuzhou Museum of Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses of Han Dynasty

    徐州汉 兵马俑博物馆

  • Tourism lifecycle and structure changes in Qin 's Terra-cotta museum for 25 years in Shaanxi

    25年来 秦俑馆旅游生命周期与结构变化研究

  • Based on the Method of ASEB for Tourist Experience in Qin 's Terra-Cotta


  • Most of the terra-cotta warriors here face the east because the state of Qin was located in the west .

    兵马俑 大都是向东而立,大多数士兵都面朝东,因为秦国在西边。

  • A Study on the Formation of Qin Terra-Cotta Brand Scenic Spot Based on Semeiology

    基于符号学的 秦俑 名牌景点形成研究

  • Method : 2 teeth of 104 skulls in terra-cotta site near the mausoleum of Qinshihuang were observed .

    方法:观察并统计秦始皇帝陵区山任 遗址出土的104具人骨架全部2452个牙齿的牙周病患病情况。

  • It is famous for grand Majesty Terra-cotta Army world-famous Macao Grottoes wonderland Jiuzhai-Huanglong well-known the Three Gorges and fascinated folk-custom .

    气势恢宏的 兵马俑,享誉世界的敦煌莫高窟,人间仙境九寨沟、黄龙寺,驰名中外的长江三峡,独具魅力的民俗风情。

  • Visit the Banpo Neolithic Village ( Visit time probably 1 hours ) then driving to The Museum of Qin Terra-Cotta Warriors and Horses .

    参观半坡博物馆(游览时间约为1小时),然后乘车前往 兵马俑博物馆。

  • They tasked regional artisans with laying floors in handmade terra-cotta and pitching roofs of reclaimed wood .

    他们让当地的工匠用手工 陶土铺地板,用再生木材盖屋顶。

  • But I have never really seen the terra-cotta warriors as it is outside the city .

    但是我还真的没有去看过 兵马俑,因为那是在郊外。

  • Parameter modification of the model of Qin terra-cotta Warrior


  • Preliminary study of provenance and firing style of terra-cotta from Qinshihuang Mausoleum

    秦陵 兵马俑矿料来源及烧结方式的初步研究

  • Some people call them the eighth wonder of the world because they marvel at different features and facial expressions of terra-cotta and horses .

    兵马俑称为“世界第八大奇迹”因为当他们看到不同特点、不同神情的 兵马俑时都 十分惊奇。

  • Terra-cotta objects are usually left unglazed and are often of a utilitarian kind because of their cheapness versatility and durability .

    通常不 上釉,是最具实用价值的一种 陶器,价格低廉,用途广泛,经久耐用。

  • This article has discussed the causes of existing several common external defects in terra-cotta of casting and produced some efficient methods to eliminate such defects .

    讨论了 注浆 成型 陶器 表面缺陷的产生原因,提出了克服缺陷的常用方法。

  • Lighting Design for Site Vault 3 of Terra-cotta Warriors

    金戈铁马 入梦 & 兵马俑 遗址照明设计