terminate a contract

[ˈtɚməˌnet e ˈkɑnˌtrækt][ˈtə:mineit ə kənˈtrækt]

[法] 终止契约

  • The ways in which an offer may terminate form a pillar of the contract law system and ultimately determine the formation of a contract and the distribution of contract interests .

    要约 终止制度是 合同法律制度的重要基石,它直接制约着合同是否成立及合同利益的分配结果。

  • What if your company were to terminate the contract with Company A and replace it with a contract with Company B ?

    如果您的公司将 终止与公司 A之间的契约,并且将其替换为与公司B之间的 契约,该怎么办呢?

  • Right to terminate a contract time limit has two one is a scheduled period two is a warning system .

    合同 解除权的时间限制有二,一是除斥期间,二是催告制度。

  • Analysis of the Subject with the Right to Terminate a Contract

    合同 解除权主体探析

  • The study of obtaining the right to terminate a contract may start from two dimensions of expectations right and vested right .

    合同 解除权取得的研究可以从期待权和既得权两个层面展开。

  • With respect to policy-holder character policy-holder is in ought to pay insurance take time can choose pay insurance premium in order to manage a contract also can choose not pay insurance premium in order to terminate a contract .

    就投保人而言,投保人在应当支付保险费时,可以选择缴纳保险费以维持合同,也可以选择不缴纳保险费以 终止 合同

  • The Law of the People 's Republic of China on Employment Contracts stipulates several conditions under which a company cannot terminate a contract such as pregnancy .

    《中华人民共和国劳务合同法》规定,在职工怀孕等情况下,公司不得 解除 劳动 合同

  • After a discussion of classification defined the right to rescind a contract should be made by the termination right the parties themselves and have laws court or I authorize people to exercise but excluding the court to exercise the right to terminate a contract directly .

    经过分类讨论,明确了合同解除权应当由解除权人本人及有法律、法院或者本人授权的人行使,但排除了裁判机构和行政机构对 合同 解除权的行使。

  • In the legal relation of labor when the employer and employee terminate or cancel a labor contract the employer often pay the employee a certain amount of money for economic compensation in accordance to the law .

    在劳动法律关系中,用人单位与劳动者 解除劳动 合同劳动 合同终止后,用人单位常常要依照法律规定,一次性支付给劳动者一定的经济补偿。

  • If the liquidation team decides to terminate a contract and the other party to the contract suffers harm as the result of the termination of the contract the amount of compensation for the harm constitutes a bankruptcy claim .

    清算组决定 解除 合同,另一方当事人因合同解除受到损害的,其损害赔偿额作为破产债权。

  • Insurance companies as the insurer after the befalling of risks often misuse their right to terminate a contract to shirk their responsibility of compensation by taking an advantage of their higher position the adhesion contract and the lack of insurance knowledge of the insured .

    作为保险人的保险公司在风险发生后,常常借助于其强势地位,利用格式合同以及广大投保人保险知识的缺乏了解,滥用其 合同 解除权以达到逃避赔偿责任的目的。

  • Either party may terminate the contract at any time provided that the lessor shall give the lessee a reasonable advance notice before it terminates the contract .

    当事人可以随时 解除合同,但出租人解除 合同应当在合理期限之前通知承租人。

  • If Party B wishes to terminate this Contract early Party A will hold the Deposit and this Contract shall be automatically terminated .

    如乙方要求提前 解约甲方扣留乙方已付保证金后,则本 合同自动终止。