terms of employment

[经] 待遇

  • If the address telephone number terms of employment has been changed or you wish to cancel your order please notify the job centres immediately .

    如你的地址、电话或 雇用 条件有所变更,或希望取消空缺,请立即传真或致电通知本处的就业中心。

  • Nowadays we are facing two major changes in terms of employment and economic development . As is known to all employment of social labor force needs more skills training the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure calls for training more skilled persons as well .

    现在,我国 就业和经济发展正面临着两个大的变化,社会劳动力就业需要加强技能培训,产业结构优化升级需要培养更多的高技能人才。

  • Terms of employment and benefits from joblessness also make a big difference .

    劳动 待遇和失业补贴也有很大影响。

  • They are no longer with the company for violating the terms of their employment agreements with the station said the spokesman without elaborating on contract details .

    这名发言人说:“因为违反了电台与 雇员合约,他们已经被解雇了。”但是,他并没有透露合约的具体内容。

  • Wrongful discharge-When an employee is fired for reasons that are not legitimate typically either because they are unlawful or because they violate the terms of an employment contract .

    不正当解雇是指雇员因不合法原因被解雇,比较有代表性的是被非法解雇或者 劳方因雇方违反 劳动合同被解雇。

  • Foreign employers must set out clearly in a written contract their terms of employment for manual employees and certain non-manual employees they employ to work outside of Hong kong .

    海外雇主必须订立书面合约,为受聘前往香港以外地方工作的体力劳动及某些非体力劳动雇员清楚订明 雇佣 条件

  • Every seafarer has a right to fair terms of employment .

    每一海员均有权获得公平的 就业 条件

  • You should not only comply with the terms of your employment but also your obligations as a citizen .

    你不但要履行 受雇 条件,而且还要履行一个公民应尽的职责。

  • In terms of future employment getting out first can prevent you from having to explain being let go or having a large window of unemployed time on your resume .

    未来 就业 方面 来说,你先发制人的做出 职业变更,以后就不用在简历上解释离职或那一大段失业空白的时间。

  • In the reform of employment system of our country 's university graduates what is the situation for graduates of universities for nationalities in terms of their employment ?

    在我国大学毕业生就业制度的改革大潮中,民族院校的毕业生 就业形势如何呢?

  • In terms of employment is also true however discrimination in employment is the opposite of standing on equal employment restricts and denies of equal employment rights enjoyed by workers .

    就业 方面亦是如此,但是就业歧视却站在了就业平等的对立面,限制和剥夺劳动者享有的就业平等权。

  • The market is in serious crisis said Pekka pesonen head of the copa-cogeca farming union in Brussels . This crop is vital for the main producing countries in terms of maintaining employment in their rural areas .

    “市场正面临严重危机,”欧盟农民协会copa-cogeca主任 佩卡培桑嫩(pekkapesonen)在布鲁塞尔表示,“从保持农村地区的 就业来说,这种农作物对于主要生产国至关重要。”

  • When we receive you we will explain to you the terms and conditions of employment of the job you have previously recorded .

    我们与你会见时,会向你解释你抄下的空缺的 聘用条件。

  • The current situation financial crisis the adverse impact to our country has not been eliminated from the macro level in terms of the employment situation is still very grim .

    当前形势下,金融危机给我国造成的不利影响还没有消除,从整个宏观层面上 就业形势仍旧很严峻。

  • Another manager laid down the terms of employment : the regular working day was nine hours with overtime every day .

    另一位经理说明了 雇佣 条件:正常工作日一天工作9小时,每天都要加班。

  • The terms of employment are negotiable .

    雇用 条件可以协商。

  • These conclusions are given clear how to make use of community college students to enhance the fitness of employment the last in this paper to improve the fitness of university students in terms of employment of university students Suggestions Societies .

    通过这些结论的给出,明确了如何利用大学生社团提升大学生就业适应度,最后在此基础上,给出从提升大学生 就业适应度 角度 大学生社团的几点建议。

  • This paper discloses the imbalances in terms of employment hunting curriculum student levels and tuition policy and it calls on people to be aware of the seriousness of the brain drain .

    国际学生 流动过程中在流入 流出、所选学科、学生层次、收费政策等四个 方面存在着不均衡现象,要认真对待人才外流这一严重的问题。

  • ' Not all economic activity is equal in terms of its employment effects - property construction absorbs huge numbers of workers steelmaking doesn 't. So the search for a definitive bottom line for GDP growth in terms of its employment effects is futile . '

    他说,在 创造就业 方面,并非所有经济活动都是一样的――房地产建设会吸收大量劳动力,而炼钢则不然,因此以 就业效果来设定GDP增幅的绝对底线是没用的。

  • The investigation showed that hefailed to comply withthe terms of his employment and his obligations as a department manager .

    调查表明他 受雇 条件,一个部门经理的职责。

  • As the export sector has grown over time the subsidy has given it a disproportionate importance not only in terms of output and employment but also with respect to its influence on political decisions .

    随着出口行业一天天发展壮大,这种补贴赋予了该行业与其自身不相称的重要性,这不仅体现在产出和 就业 方面,也 体现在其对政治决策的影响方面。

  • All compensation and terms of employment of the management personnel shall be set in accordance with the policies laid down by the Board .

    管理人员的薪酬和 聘用 条件应按照董事会制定的政策确定。

  • Although to some extent this segmentation continues to protect urban workers it also means that low cost non local workers compete with and replace local workers in terms of employment .

    虽然这种分层继续在一定程度上对城市劳动力起着保护作用,但它同时意味着,随劳动力市场的不断开放,外来劳动力所具有的低成本优势,将对本地劳动力 就业 产生竞争与替代 效应

  • An order that requires the employer to treat the employee in all respects as if the employee had not been dismissed or as if there had been no variation of the terms of the employment contract .

    此项命令要求雇主在任何方面视雇员为从未遭解雇,或有关 雇佣合约的 条款从未被更改。

  • The people of all ethnic groups should respect each other 's languages customs and habits and religious beliefs ; citizens shall not be discriminated against in terms of employment because of different religious beliefs ;

    各民族人民都要互相尊重语言文字、风俗习惯和宗教信仰;公民在 就业 不因宗教信仰不同而受歧视;

  • Employment agreement will not have labor contracts especially the terms of the employment agreements must include labor contract stages of investigation the labor contract signed by both parties prior to the rights and obligations of its regulation has considerable theoretical risk .

    将不具备劳动合同必备 条款 就业协议纳入劳动合同订立阶段进行考察,通过劳动合同签订前双方的权利义务对其规制具有相当的理论风险。

  • They wanted to determine if he complied with the terms of his employment and his obligations as an american .

    他们想要确定,他是否履行了 受雇 条件,是否履行了作为美国公民所应尽的职责。

  • In terms of employment the hotel industry is the second largest industry in this country .

    就业 来说,酒店业是这个国家的第二大产业。

  • It has been boosted by a series of preferential policies in terms of finance and employment .

    而正是一系列待遇和 就业 方面的优待政策推动了这一数字的增加。