


  • A series of novel laterally O-difluoro-substituted terphenyl chiral liquid crystals have been synthesized through a simple route based on palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction .

    利用钯催化交叉偶合反应合成了一个系列的侧向邻二 取代 三联 活性 液晶 化合物

  • Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Orderly Tetra-functional Compound Containing Terphenyl Bridge Maybe they are officers in need of compassionate leave .

    新型结构规整的 三联 桥基四官能度化合物的合成与表征可能这些人是度探亲假的军官。

  • Indicator Significance of Terphenyl in Source Rocks of Lucan-1 Well in Qaidam Basin

    柴达木盆地绿参1井烃源岩中 三联 化合物的指示意义

  • Hydrogenation of terphenyl was performed under a hydrogen pressure of 5 140kg / cm ~ 2at 220 320 ℃ . The influences of pressure temperature and time on the depth of hydrogenation were investigated .

    三联 为原料,在氢压5140kg/cm~2,温度220320℃条件下进行了加氢试验,考察了压力、温度、时间对加氢深度的影响。

  • ⅰ was oxidized by sodium hypobromite at 40-50 ℃ for 2 h to from 4 carboxy p terphenyl ( mp . 315-316 ℃) in 78 % yield .

    在40~50℃,4乙酰基对 三联 经次溴酸钠氧化反应2h,得到4羧基对三联苯,收率为78%,熔点 315~316℃。

  • Synthesis and Properties of Laterally O-Difluoro-Substituted Terphenyl Chiral Liquid Crystals

    侧向邻二 取代 三联 活性 液晶的合成与性质