



  • He masterminded a number of brutal terrorist attacks .

    他谋划了好几次残酷的 恐怖袭击行动。

  • He condemned these despicable terrorist actions in the statement .

    他在声明中谴责这些「可鄙的 恐怖行为」。

  • A terrorist bomb attack in retaliation for recent arrests .

    恐怖 分子为报复最近的逮捕行动而进行的炸弹袭击。

  • The2001 terrorist attacks destroyed the iconic Twin Towers prompting a competition to design their replacement .

    2001年的 恐怖主义袭击摧毁了标志性的姐妹楼,促进了设计他们的替代品的竞争。

  • It also publishes lists of embargoed or terrorist associated countries which place additional restrictions for business engagements .

    另外,美国政府还发布了禁运或 恐怖主义相关的国家/地区名单,从而对业务活动进行了进一步的限制。

  • Home-grown terrorist attack means it was an act of domestic terrorism .

    美国政府表示了对国内 恐怖主义的深切担忧。

  • Plague is still studied by governments and terrorist organizations for possible germ warfare applications .

    鼠疫仍然是研究由政府和 恐怖 分子组织可能细菌战的应用。

  • The US and Israel continue to see Hamas as a terrorist organization .

    美国和以色列继续称哈马斯为 恐怖组织。

  • Terrorist acts that shocked the civilized world .

    恐怖 分子的行为震惊了文明世界。

  • The United States and Israel will not negotiate with Hamas which both countries have labeled a terrorist group .

    美国和以色列都把哈马斯标定为 恐怖组织,不会同该组织进行谈判。

  • The government has planted a secret agent in the terrorist group .

    政府已在 恐怖组织中安插了一名特工。

  • The police are connecting this incident with last week 's terrorist bombing .

    警方认为这次事件和上周的 恐怖分成子爆炸事件相关。

  • It 's a prime target for terrorist attacks .

    这是 恐怖 分子攻击的首要目标。

  • The terrorist action has been condemned as an act of barbarism and cowardice .

    人们谴责那 恐怖主义行径是野蛮和懦弱的行为。

  • I think some people in this place have a connection with the terrorist attacks .

    我想这里的一些人和 恐怖袭击有关。

  • But the September 11 2001 terrorist attacks changed all that .

    但2001年的9/11 恐怖袭击彻底改变了这一点。

  • One American was killed and three were wounded in terrorist attacks .

    在几起 恐怖袭击中,一名美国人遇难,三人受伤。

  • The terrorist attack left many dead and wounded .


  • Yesterday the Italian prime minister expressed indignation and worry about the terrorist attack two days ago .

    昨天,意大利总理对两天前的 恐怖袭击事件表示了愤慨和担忧。

  • The terrorist attack paralyzed the whole subway system .


  • Most all of the casualties in Afghanistan have been against the Taliban which are a terrorist group .

    在阿富汗,大多数的人员伤亡都是由于与塔利班 恐怖组织的对抗造成的。

  • Did you read the article about the terrorist attack ?

    你刊登了那篇关于 恐怖袭击的文章了吗?

  • Banks and shops closed yesterday amid growing fears of terrorist violence .

    银行和商店昨天在对 恐怖暴力不断加剧的惶恐中关门了。

  • Police have discounted the possibility that this was a terrorist attack .

    警方排除了这是一次 恐怖袭击的可能性。

  • Israel and the West consider Hamas a terrorist organization .

    以色列和西方国家把哈马斯视为 恐怖组织。

  • He masterminded a number of terrorist attacks .

    他谋划了许多 恐怖袭击行动。

  • Fighting terrorist activities also becomes one of the missions for the special forces .

    打击 恐怖活动也成了特种部队的任务之一。