tennis ball


  • He spent hours throwing a tennis ball against a wall

    他好几个小时都对着一堵墙掷 网球

  • Not completely elastic but not bad . A tennis ball & not completely elastic but not bad .

    不是完全弹性的,但不坏,一个 网球,-不是完全弹性的,但不坏。

  • Like to flute and Xiao playing to be interested in tennis ball and ballet .

    爱好长笛和箫演奏,喜欢 网球和芭蕾舞。

  • An automatic table tennis ball server is designed by using infra-red sensor and a few electric devices .

    利用红外光传感器和较少的电子器件,设计了一种 乒乓 全自动供 器。

  • A hard return hitting the tennis ball above your head .

    在你的头顶上用力地 击球

  • The act of hitting a tennis ball with a tennis racket .

    (双打)抢打同伴的 用网球拍打 网球的动作。

  • The impact of the tennis ball really stung his leg .


  • While out one morning in the park a jogger found a brand new tennis ball and seeing nobody around he slipped it into the pocket of his shorts .

    一天早晨在公园里,一个慢跑者发现了一个全新的 网球。看到周围没有人,他就把它顺进了自己的短裤口袋。

  • All the kinetic energy is in the tennis ball ; nothing is in the wall .

    也就是 网球的动能;,墙壁没有动能。

  • We have here a trajectory of a golf ball or a tennis ball in26.100 .

    假设这是一条属于教室里,某 高尔夫球网球的运行轨迹。

  • So look at the tennis ball first .

    首先,看 网球

  • This tennis ball has no more bounce .

    这个 网球已经失去弹力了。

  • It means this tennis ball * while it is in free fall it has no weight .

    再比如说这个 网球。,自由落体过程中它没有重量。

  • A soft return so that the tennis ball drops abruptly after crossing the net .

    过网后进行一个轻的回击以致 可以突然落下。

  • From Art Dept of Chifeng normal special school study flute and like vocality table tennis ball .

    来自赤峰师专艺术系,专业学习长笛。爱好声乐和 乒乓

  • I have a tennis ball .

    我有一个 网球

  • I have here a tennis ball and I can bounce this tennis ball I can throw it down .

    我这里有个 网球,要是把它对着地面扔,它会弹起来。

  • The utility model relates to a three-purpose tennis ball .

    本实用新型涉及三用 网球

  • A lump the size of a tennis ball .


  • He couldn 't throw a tennis ball .

    他不能举办一场 球赛

  • She just tipped the ball over the net . The tennis Ball was hit Back and forth .

    她刚好把球击过网. 网球被来回地击打。

  • He hit the tennis ball over the net .

    他把 网球 过了网。

  • If you can catch a tennis ball with your hand you can learn volley easily .

    假设您能用手 接球,您就能轻易学会截击。

  • There is air drag on that tennis ball .


  • To make a tennis ball spin forward the racquet must be moving from low to high at contact .

    为了要使 网球 旋转向前,网拍一定要在接触点从低到高移动。

  • So try to see that the tennis ball is very close to an ideal parabola .

    所以,试着看, 网球是一个,比较理想的抛物线。

  • A tennis ball is hollow but a base ball is solid .


  • Why the table tennis ball swings back and forth when nobody plays it ?

    没有人挥动球拍,为什么 乒乓 会自己来回摆动?

  • To see why this happens imagine throwing a tennis ball into the air .

    要知道为什么会发生这种情况,请想像一下往空中扔 网球的情景。