tension pulley

[ˈtɛnʃən ˈpʊli][ˈtenʃən ˈpʊli]


  • Study on the Calculation Method of Nominal Power of the V belt Drive with Inner Side Tension Pulley

    具有内侧 时V带传动额定功率计算方法的研究

  • The results show that the transmission ratio of magnetic metal belt transmission increases when magnetic induction density initial tension and center distance increases and decrease when angle of contact and diameter of the smaller belt pulley increases .

    结果表明,磁力金属带传动的传动比随磁感应强度、初 张力及中心距的增大而增大,随 角及 小带 直径的增大而减小。

  • During tensioning stringing many factor can effect on the mechanical properties of conductor such as stringing tension diameter of pulley wrap angle for conductor passing through the pulley and number passing through the pulley conductor structural type and quality etc. .

    张力放线中,影响导线机械性能的因素很多,有放线 张力滑轮直径,导线过滑轮时的包角,过滑轮次数,以及导线结构型式和质量等。

  • Operational Capacity Calculation for the V-Belt Transmission when Adopting Inner Side Tension Pulley

    三角胶带传动采用内侧 时的工作能力计算

  • In this paper the use of pulley in fiber / cable manufacturing equipment is introduced and the relations between the fiber tension and the pulley are described in detail .

    本文先介绍滑轮在光纤(光缆)设备中的用途,然后详叙光纤 张力 滑轮的关系。

  • The Relation between the Fiber Tension and the Pulley in Fiber Manufacturing Equipment

    光纤设备中光纤 张力 滑轮的关系

  • Researching the maximal tension of conveyor belt of double driving pulley by the example and ameliorates the design calculation method .

    通过具体分析研究,对双 滚筒驱动带式输送机输送带最大 张力的设计计算方法进行了改进。

  • It points out that the position of the maximum strain stress and tension is at first group trough type roller not at passing poion of pulley if the head drum works as pulley .

    指出在头部滚筒作为驱动滚筒的布置系统中,胶带最大应变、应力及 张力位置不在驱动 滚筒相遇点,而在过渡段第一组槽形托辊处。

  • According to the combined function of tension and centrifugal force this paper analyses the drive principle that the flat belt climbs up gradually from the bottom edge of the pulley to the top in order to keep in the centre automatically and drive smoothly .

    本文根据 张力与离心力的合成作用,分析了平型带的传动原理,即 皮带从鼓形轮缘的底部,逐渐爬到轮缘峰顶,以达到自动对中、稳定传动。