term list

[tɚm lɪst][tə:m list]

[计] 检索词表,项目表

  • The term take-out describes both a style of eating and a growing list of prepared foods that consumers purchase from a restaurant or food stand and eat in another location .

    外卖这个 描述的即是一种饮食方式,又指品种日益 增多的现成食品,即消费者可从餐馆或小吃摊购买、在其他地方食用的食品。

  • He also tried to placate some of the non-brics by offering a new term : the N-11 or next eleven nations on the list to emerge as powers .

    他还提出一个新词来安抚一些非金砖四国国家,这个 就是“ n-11”,即接下来 成为强国的11个国家。

  • In my first term I saw a list of the 100 highest paid jobs in the city .

    在第一 学期,我看到一个 名单上面 有金融城100份薪资最高的工作。

  • Each entry in the Term array has a pointer to contain all the linked list consisted by text .

    词条数组中的每个词条(ti)有一个指针,指向含有ti的所有文本组成的 链表

  • A global reverse index is simply a design where you create a map whose key is the search term and the value is the list of keys containing an attribute with that search term .

    一个全局反向索引仅仅是一个设计,其中创建的映射的键是搜索 关键词,且其值是包含属性与搜索关键词的键 列表

  • Indicates a definition term within a definition list .

    在定义 列表中表示定义 术语

  • Now you can put together a simple search function that will take a search term and output the VXML required to list the results found .

    现在可以创建一个简单的搜索函数,它可以接收搜索 ,输出VXML以 列出搜索结果。

  • In the above definitions the term list of options means a series of options separated by spaces tabs or a combination of both .

    在以上定义中, 术语“选项 列表”是指由空格、跳格或二者的结合所分隔的一系列选项。

  • If you now enter a search term and press the Search button you do not receive a result list & rather you are redirected to the Help page .

    如果现在输入一个搜索 并按Search按钮,您不会得到结果 列表,反而会被重定向到帮助页面。

  • In recent years Ajax has come to be more of a loose umbrella term for Web2.0 applications than a specific list of technologies .

    近年来,Ajax已成为用于“Web2.0”应用程序的一个涵盖性 术语,而不是一组 特定的技术。

  • If any images match the search term the application downloads a list of up to100 matching thumbnail images and produces a selectable list .

    如果图像匹配搜索 ,应用程序下载 列表高达100个匹配缩略图并生成一个可选名单。

  • Within this class documentation the term list refers to a data collection within the hosted data source and item denotes a single element .

    在此类文档中, 术语 列表”表示寄宿数据源中的一个数据集合,“项”表示单个元素。

  • To assist in choosing term paper topics a list of possibilities ( with references ) is provided in the projects section .

    为了帮助学生选择 论文的题目,专题部份有 一些可能选项(含参考 书目)。

  • Results To change of every term with primary SAH were acute term 69 time absorbent term 78 time repair term 86 time and list analysis .

    结果原发性SAH后各期的变化为急性期69例次,吸收期78例次,修复 86例次,并 列表进行分析。

  • If Lucene finds a term that matches the search word in the term information file it will visit the list in the frequency file to find which documents contain the term .

    如果 Lucene在索引 信息文件中发现有索引项和搜索词相匹配。

  • Start typing the name of the artifact in the Enter a search term : field and the list will be populated with the artifacts with names that begin with what you 've typed .

    在“Enterasearch term:”区域输入工件的名字,那么将会弹出一个以您输入内容开头的工件的 列表

  • The Electronic Formula for General Term And List of Prime Numbers

    素数通 与质数 的电子公式

  • For example an author tagging a document in an ECM system may need to suggest a new term for a particular option list managed in the taxonomy modeling tool .

    例如,一位作者在ECM系统中给文档加注解,他可能需要建议一个新 词汇,希望分类法建模工具能够将它收入某个选项 列表

  • Usually the term menu refers to the written or printed list of different dishes from which a restaurant customer makes a selection .

    通常菜单这个 词汇是指供餐厅顾客选择的写着或印有不同菜肴的 单子

  • To expand or replace a term or terms to include a list of synonyms you can customize thesaurus files .

    若要展开或替换包括一 同义 的一个或多个词条,可以自定义同义词库文件。

  • If the index term appears more often you must select help content from a list beforehand .

    如果经常出现该索引 ,则必须事先从 列表中选择帮助内容。