terminal pair

[ˈtɚmənəl pɛr][ˈtə:minəl pɛə]


  • Four terminal Pair HF Capacitor Standard Set

    HFC型四 高频电容标准

  • This terminal may take the existing coaxial cable network as well as the twisted pair line network access equipment simultaneously also can take the next step optical fiber to the home ( FTTH ) optical fiber access equipment .

    终端可以作为现有的同轴电缆网络以及双 绞线网络的接入设备,同时也能作为下一步的光纤到户FTTH的光纤接入设备。

  • In this scheme the cloud terminal makes a pair new public key / private key according to the pair public key / private key created by Cloud End and uses the pair new key to authenticate with Cloud End .

    在该机制中,云终端以云端产生的公钥/私钥对为输入,在云 终端生成一 新的公钥/私钥对,云终端使用新公钥/私钥对和云端进行基于身份的认证。

  • This paper presents an efficient method for finding the terminal pair reliability expression of a general network .

    本文给出一般网络 系统可靠性 评估的一种有效算法。

  • The death reason of terminal buds and the first pair of lateral buds was itself ecological adapting strategy not the injury of early frost and freezing ;

    泡桐的 顶芽和侧芽1不是因为 早霜或寒冷冻害而死,而是进化过程中采取的一种适应策略;

  • The model can deal with the problems of terminal pair reliability K-terminal reliability and all-terminal reliability in an unified form and can conveniently take into consideration of such complex situations as limited repair manpower repair queue repair priority .

    该模型可以统一处理网络的 可靠度、K 可靠度及全端可靠度问题,而且能方便地考虑有限维修人资源、维修申请排队及维修优先权等复杂情况。

  • The four terminal pair HF capacitor standard set is used for calibration and verification of LCR meter .

    HFC型四 高频电容标准是为校准和检验进口及国产具有四 对连接头的自动LCR表的电容测试不确定度(无功分量技术特性)而设计和研制的。

  • By transforming the representation of network models we propose an improved algorithm for terminal - pair reliability in communication networks with unreliable node .

    通过改变网络模型的表示方式,提出了一种考虑节点失效的通信网 终端 可靠性改进算法。